Example sentences of "of a [adj] proportion of " in BNC.

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1 He appeared to be advocating a reversal of the process by which military officers were appointed to key posts since the mid-1960s , by calling for the civilianization of a greater proportion of bureaucratic positions .
2 This is probably a function of a higher proportion of guilty pleas being put forward when the victims are younger : something akin to plea bargaining is almost certainly taking place .
3 In order to exclude a bias as a result of a higher proportion of men being included in the adenocarcinoma group the data were analysed again for male patients only who smoked or drank .
4 In an effort to make the bill more acceptable , its Democratic sponsors included a provision which specifically prohibited the establishment of quotas , defined by its supporters as the hiring of a fixed proportion of minority workers regardless of their qualifications .
5 Poland , in the forefront of reform in Eastern Europe , may soon be relieved of a similar proportion of its $45 billion debt .
6 A commission in bankruptcy would cost him £100 and be subject to considerable delay ; but the consent of a certain proportion of his creditors was sufficient for his discharge for ever from his debts .
7 It consists of two elements : ( i ) domestic rate relief , paid to enable authorities to relieve domestic ratepayers of a certain proportion of their rates ( currently 18.5p in the ) ; ( ii ) block grant , intended to supplement an authority 's own finances so that , irrespective of individual local needs and resources , it can provide a similar standard of service for a similar rate poundage to other authorities of the same class .
8 In 1976 BR told the government : ‘ Current levels of investment are quite inadequate to keep pace with the rate at which the system and its assets are running down and wearing out … to maintain the present investment ceilings would entail the progressive decline and eventual closure of a substantial proportion of the system and its services . ’
9 Poverty had always been , and remained , the normal condition of a substantial proportion of the population in all known societies .
10 Thus social policy must be critically evaluated not only for its failure to eradicate poverty among older women ( and , to a lesser extent , men ) , but also because it occupies a central role in producing and legitimating both the poverty of a substantial proportion of older people and the marked inequalities between older women and men .
11 The government of George I and the Whigs never lost its credibility , but retained the support of a substantial proportion of the traditional ruling class and probably a higher proportion of the mass of the population than is usually realised .
12 From this brief summary of a small proportion of the scientific dating techniques , some common principles of their application emerge .
13 Young people who undertake teacher training are representative of a small proportion of the school population — the academically successful .
14 You have to be a specialist , and even then , you can only hope to have a proper grasp of a small proportion of the scientific theories .
15 Yes it 's erm made up of a small proportion of the countries in the General , General Assembly , about five countries and seats on it erm basically the allies from the second world war erm and the other seats are changed around periodically between the nation , other nations .
16 In an astonishing verbal assault on the justice administration and on the civil service , Hitler — allegedly voicing the exact sentiments of a great proportion of the population — made it clear whom he thought the main culprits were , and threatened to remove their privileged position and ‘ well-established rights ’ and to dismiss offenders instantaneously .
17 Even if it is not read out in the endless rounds of buying and selling shares , then the message , passive though it might be , should still find its way into the living rooms of a high proportion of homes in the Sheffield region .
18 Many rocks are composed of a high proportion of echinoderm debris , which is easily recognized because of this optical property .
19 Gaidar 's response to the Civic Union programme was that its fundamental concept of increasing cash supply to stimulate production would " in the context of a high proportion of monopoly production bring about … an upsurge in prices " .
20 For the time being at least , she has managed to change the attitude of a significant proportion of the population towards the legitimacy of crucial parts of normal trade union practice , although opinion polls now show a growing esteem for trade unions shorn of some of the pre-1979 powers .
21 There are two important aspects of the emergence of the binary policy and the concentration of a significant proportion of advanced level work in polytechnics — attempts to explain the policy and its philosophy , and responses to it .
22 The government 's policies — especially in the areas of religion and foreign policy — impinged directly on the lives of a significant proportion of the population , with the result that people could not help but be politicised to some degree .
23 It retained the loyalty of a sufficient proportion of the army to stamp out the mutinies , impose martial law in Poland , deploy troops on a wide scale in the countryside , and crush both the soviets and the week-long guerrilla-style urban uprisings of December .
24 This fire officer , however , refused to allow the use of a sizeable proportion of the props , around which the entire show was structured ; and , although the Prince and Princess of Wales were arriving in one and a half hours ' time along with five Cabinet ministers , and the cast would have no time to rehearse without the props they relied upon , he was not to be budged .
25 But at the same time the party received the votes of a smaller proportion of working class electors than ever before since the war .
26 The security of both was the promise of a large proportion of the land after the drainage operation had been successfully completed .
27 It is caused by the pooling of a large proportion of the circulating red cells by the spleen and is a major cause of infant mortality .
28 Although the numbers of such changes associated with moves are not large , and they can not account for more than a very small part of the differential in unemployment rates between the two groups , the sale of a large proportion of public housing to sitting tenants who are more likely to be employed than the general local authority sector population will have contributed to the increase in the unemployment rate differential referred to earlier .
29 Pigs are our chief prey item — half the meat in the human diet , worldwide , is pork , That has to mean that those of us who are n't Jews , Moslems or vegetarians are made up of a large proportion of protein that arrived by way of the animal we most like to sneer at — not to mention mistreat , in the most abominable ways .
30 The lives of a large proportion of the world 's population are nasty , brutish and short .
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