Example sentences of "of the house [prep] commons " in BNC.

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1 A PRIZE contract to televise the select and standing committees of the House of Commons , which handle much of the nitty-gritty of government , has been won by George Carey , founder editor of Newsnight , a year after leaving the BBC to start his own company .
2 The Speaker of the House of Commons , Bernard Weatherill , has lent his name to a Commission on Citizenship in which the organisation Community Service Volunteers has taken a lead .
3 NEW BOOKS Rt Hon John Biffen MP will be signing his new ‘ everything you wanted to know about the proceedings of the House of Commons ’ Guide .
4 Sir Geoffrey Howe , leader of the House of Commons , last night denied MPs would be exempt from paying poll tax on second homes — but agreed they would be able to reclaim the full cost from allowances .
5 Chance to see famous Shire horses which pull the coaches of the Lord Mayor Of London and the Speaker of The House of Commons .
6 But he came to the front bench late , as Secretary of State for Employment from 1974 to 1976 , and leader of the House of Commons from 1976 to 1979 .
7 And during his dark night of the soul while he was at Cuddesdon , part of the darkness was the behaviour of the House of Commons .
8 Francis Pym assumed this post , Norman St John-Stevas replaced Pym as Leader of the House of Commons , and Mark Carlisle in turn took over Education from Mr Stevas .
9 During the course of 1981 Mrs Thatcher dismissed a number of notable Cabinet dissenters ( Stevas , Soames , Gilmour , and Carlisle ) , Mr Prior was moved to Northern Ireland , and Lord Carrington chose to resign in April 1982 in the wake of the House of Commons ' criticism of the Foreign Office policy preceding the Argentine invasion of the Falklands .
10 For the past quarter-century , the Prime Minister alone has regularly received more attention in The Times than the three leading ministers together — the Foreign Secretary , Chancellor of the Exchequer , and Leader of the House of Commons .
11 CANBERRA may seem an awful long way from exchanges on the floor of the House of Commons over the European Monetary System .
12 Bradford S ) condemned as ‘ a deliberate act of censorship of the House of Commons . ’
13 Satellite TV has been able to offer dedicated viewing which the existing channels can not : 24-hour news from Sky News , for example , two sports channels , and now comprehensive coverage of the House of Commons .
14 ‘ ENOCH Powell once advised me : ‘ Never go into the Chamber of the House of Commons without a verbal grenade in your pocket ’ , ’ Mr Norman Tebbit wrote in his biography Upwardly Mobile .
15 SPARE a thought for John MacGregor , Leader of the House of Commons .
16 Mr Mulroney has balanced Canada 's regions in his cabinet , providing significant seats ( defence , health and welfare , environment ) for his colleagues from Quebec , while pushing forward the Albertans , Messrs Clark , Mazankowski and the leader of the House of Commons , Harvie Andre .
17 Throughout the winter and into the spring , the home-affairs committee of the House of Commons has been discussing the future of the levy .
18 It was against this background that Peter Thompson , the chief executive of NFC , together with his chairman , Bobby Lawrence , came to see me in my small office on the Cabinet floor of the House of Commons on 18 May 1981 .
19 As the Public Accounts Committee of the House of Commons had demonstrated , however , neither the Government nor the health authorities had accurate information on the exact numbers employed or any sensible means of controlling numbers .
20 The leak was accurate and I was being forced to the floor of the House of Commons to defend a policy before it had been to Cabinet .
21 It was nearly forty years since the history master had bawled him out on the pavement over there , in front of the House of Commons .
22 The day after the elections , Enoch Powell , the Official Unionist MP for South Down , put the formal touch to the end of the coalition by announcing to the Speaker of the House of Commons that Dr Paisley would no longer be welcome in the office used by the Official Unionist members .
23 In 1642 Winter 's grant was rescinded by a vote of the House of Commons , because of his misappropriation of timber in the forest .
24 It is a marvellous yarn , and it evokes quite brilliantly both the atmosphere of the House of Commons and the motives of men seeking political power .
25 A government is produced by the members of the House of Commons , which is the chief reason voters cast their ballots in elections .
26 ITN 's secret weapon was much more advanced , an experiment never tried before : it was a computer simulation of the chamber of the House of Commons , with John Suchet walking around inside it .
27 Also moved sideways are Peter Lilley , from DTI to Social Security , Tony Newton from Social Security to Leader of the House of Commons , John MacGregor , from Leader of the House to Transport , and Malcolm Rifkind , from Transport to Defence .
28 It is possible that he may still be a candidate for the post of Speaker of the House of Commons .
29 BERNARD Weatherill , Speaker of the House of Commons until his successor is elected on April 27 , tells me that he will not be writing his memoirs — unlike his predecessors Selwyn Lloyd and George Thomas ( now Lord Tonypandy ) .
30 A few years later , however , it passed into the ownership of Lord Gerald of Brandon , who sold it in 1682 , to the Speaker of the House of Commons , Sir Edward Seymour .
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