Example sentences of "of the league [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 During the Abyssinian crisis the Socialist League ( the main left-wing grouping in the Labour party ) opposed the call for sanctions against Italy , fearing that Britain was being ‘ led under the banner of the League into another imperialist war . ’
2 The National Council advised the Bristol conference of the League of 1935 : We must not allow ourselves to be diverted into activities definitely condemned by the Labour Party which will jeopardize our affiliation to and influence in the Party .
3 The Committee 's Secretariat reviewed the existing models , particularly the Hague and Inter-American instruments and an Agreement relating to Writs and Letters of Request adopted in 1952 by the Council of the League of Arab States , but recommended a ‘ common integrated and comprehensive approach ’ which would cover civil and criminal matters , and both service and the taking of evidence .
4 erm in general we must remember that Iran was erm stating very clearly that it was exporting it 's revolution and there were statements which came out from the Iraqui from the Irani revolutionary committee that they were against the Arab states at the time and that they were very committed towards liberating Israel through Baghdad and such statements was coming , so obviously erm the Arabs had to stick together according to charter of the league of Arab states , which everybody was a member of , and Iraq being subjected to war it was natural for the Arabs to give Iraq support .
5 Now it did n't mean that you build his war machine , but the Kuwaiti people being so close , or actually bordering , we helped the economy of Baghdad , we helped the economy of the Iraq , and we contributed thirteen billion dollars , just the government alone , to their economy and the people of Kuwait also helped with their own private donation to help the schools , the hospitals , the food , whatever they needed , and the country of Kuwait was erm trying to be , as my friend said , as neutral as possible because there is Irani interest in Kuwait , very great through trade , through Iranis who work in Kuwait , so we had a very difficult position with respect to keeping both parties erm sort of in sight , not lose sight of them from our humanistic point of view , but it was erm difficult to avoid being on the side of the Iraqui , mainly because they 're neighbours and they 're Arabs , and you 're part of the league of Arab states , so you ca n't draw the line and say the government was pro or against , but that was the atmosphere which we were leaving .
6 Will he commend the Belfast office for being at the top of the league of all passport offices for getting passports out quickly for the people of Northern Ireland ?
7 Yet in terms of market share , BZW stumbles near the bottom of the league of 25 foreigners in Tokyo .
8 Your article of April 10th about the CS First Boston Group states that it has been kept out of the league of top-flight American investment banks .
9 They are bottom of the league for 16 to 19-year-old education and training .
10 ‘ Belfast is at the top of the league for wasted energy in the UK , ’ he said .
11 My father was a French citizen , Mohamed Abderrahmane Bourequat , who in 1931 founded the Moroccan Section of the League for Human Rights .
12 Well we 're looking forward to that one because Kings Lynn , who 've sort of been at the bottom of the league for some time , have really put an interesting looking side together .
13 The Press Association poll puts Mrs Thatcher top of the league among main party leaders for toughness ( 82 per cent ) , competence ( 53 ) , and arrogance ( 55 ) .
14 WE hear that there was a big attendance at the first meeting of the new Basingstoke branch of the League Against Cruel Sports , when the League 's information officer , Kevin Flack , told them : ‘ I believe that most people are opposed to hunting but it has been recent antics of the Quorn Hunt and publicity from the MacNamara Bill that has convinced them that something has to be done to put an end to their activities . ’
15 Judge John Slack was told the hunt had been followed by members of the League Against Cruel Sports .
16 Nine thousand signatures — all against fox hunting on council owned land — were handed into Shire hall by members of the league against cruel sports .
17 The couple were founder-members of the North-East branch of the League Against Cruel Sports and also belong to the National Anti-Vivisection Society .
18 But James Barrington , director of The League Against Cruel Sports said : ‘ We are disappointed on one level that our wildlife will still have to suffer because of the bigotry and ignorance of elected representatives .
19 The 18 clubs joining the existing 20 clubs were invited as a result of an ‘ in principle ’ decision by an EGM of the league in 1991 , and following a lengthy discussion process conducted by the league committee ( initially with nearly 50 of the leading clubs in the county ) .
20 A Trotskyist group , led by Reg Groves , was particularly afraid of " sacrificing the Socialist League 's position in the Labour Party " , thus repeating the objections to working in the United Front which had been made by leaders of the League in past years .
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