Example sentences of "of a series [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 David Chartwell , a director of Chartwell Land Plc , said talks with St Edmundsbury Borough Council were needed in the light of a series of about-turns .
2 These were compounded by my recollections of a series of visits to Moorfields Eye Hospital and at least one incarceration there when I was about four .
3 A dog looking like a fox walks along in front of a series of screens made from reeds .
4 Contests over web sites consist of a series of bouts during which the spiders are increasingly likely to attack each other if the contest persists .
5 With the exception of a series of drawings seen last year , Davies has not shown in London since 1984 , when he transformed the gallery into a circus of trapeze artists and other gymnasts .
6 In the United States the theory that evolved was based on ‘ pitch phonemes ’ ( Wells , 1945 ; Pike , 1945 ) : four contrastive pitch levels were established and intonation was described basically in terms of a series of movements from one of these levels to another .
7 Abak from Integrated Furniture Systems consists of a series of panels , hung on a tubular metal framework with integral adjustable feet .
8 Part of a series of prints , photographs and drawings produced during a residency at Brentford Hospital Long Stay Geriatric Unit , Middlesex
9 Watkins fully appreciated this and it is significant that his original ‘ vision ’ was of a series of markers stretched across the landscape rather than trackways as such .
10 Fujitsu Ltd has come out with a new multimedia multiplexer in its DMIX series , one of a series of multiplexers designed for its Network Solution 2000 network architecture : the new E-2570 DMIX has a capacity of 10 data channels and six speech voice channels , and comes between the large capacity E-2570 DMIX and the compact E-2300 series Compact MUX ; Fujitsu expects to sell 5,000 units over three years , starting in June , at a price of $73,000 ) ; the E-2500 series DMIX and E-2300 series Compact MUX were released in September last year and Fujitsu says by the end of last month , sales to 100 companies had been made .
11 Sometimes they comprise a single identifiable scene or group of figures , and sometimes they take the form of a series of tableaux .
12 This dramatic demonstration was part of a series of campaigns and rallies which took place in the summer of 1885 , as an immediate response to the revelations by the Pall Mall Gazette of the horrors of juvenile prostitution .
13 We hear also of a series of disasters visited by God on the country , in order to force the Egyptians ' hands .
14 APAP members in London — believed to be seriously disaffected by the association 's stance in the dispute — will be met by an executive member , Mr Peter Kenney , in the first of a series of meetings to rally support for the union amid threats of a revolt following the resignation of the 132-strong Hertfordshire chapter last week .
15 But the real decisions will come in June , at one of a series of meetings held under the auspices of the World Administrative Radio Conference .
16 A further example of the alienating effect national anti-nuclear protestors had on local people was provided by the DUC 's Ralph Shepherd when he described one of a series of meetings organized by the DUC to which anti-nuclear groups nationally were invited :
17 This is an invaluable early strategy for outlining the purpose of the meeting , and perhaps the possibility of a series of meetings .
18 In the summer of 1306 there took place at Montreuil the first of a series of meetings ( ‘ processes ’ ) between French and English representatives to try to work out the legal position of the lands held by the English in Aquitaine .
19 Diplomats from Israel and East Germany on Jan. 29 , 1990 , held the first of a series of meetings in Denmark , aimed at restoring relations .
20 On Jan. 25 King Hussein discussed peace proposals with Pakistani Prime Minister Mian Nawaz Sharif , in the midst of a series of meetings on Jan. 22-28 between Sharif and government leaders in Iran , Turkey , Syria , Egypt and Saudi Arabia .
21 It was one of a series of meetings held in the works canteen .
22 The food we eat is broken down by means of a series of enzymes in the mouth , stomach and small intestine to its simple component molecules which can then be absorbed into the bloodstream .
23 Nor will this underclass disappear without the implementation of a series of policies aimed at re-establishing full citizenship .
24 The positions of the main parasites ( including bacteria and viruses ) responsible for the diseases are placed in their zoological context with the aid of a series of tables which also indicate , in relevant cases , the prevalence of major parasites .
25 The positions of the main parasites ( including bacteria and viruses ) responsible for the disease , are placed in their zoological context with the aid of a series of tables which also indicate , in relevant cases , the prevalence of major parasites .
26 A line can be the contour , the silhouette , of a series of magnitudes such that the mind may run over them , as Descartes required , until they are entirely memorable .
27 Perhaps we can say that capitalist equilibrium is made up of a series of moments of dis-equilibria .
28 Mooring ships off the coast to accommodate low security prisoners was ‘ one of a series of options ’ under consideration , a spokesman said .
29 The Centre for Policy Studies was only one of a series of institutions which now began to churn out papers , briefings , and a stream of serious young advisers in dark suits who saw it as their role to steer the party away from the errors of its past ways .
30 A module header is made up of a series of keywords ( upper case ) and their associated fields in which the user may supply some information .
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