Example sentences of "of [Wh det] he have said " in BNC.

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1 For fine and powerful though his words were , they had seemed to come from beyond him and here , now , alone in this miserable place , with Minch gone from the Cages , he was already doubting the truth of what he had said only moments before .
2 He spoke so casually that it took Bernice five seconds to realize the implications of what he had said and another five to fear it .
3 Then , belatedly , she realised what he had said : the whole of what he had said .
4 He stared at Rostov as if he was calculating the value of what he had said .
5 Tavett had been shaky but in the end unmoved : he added nothing and changed nothing of what he had said on Saturday .
6 The star , suddenly aware of what he had said , looked pitifully puzzled .
7 At the end of his life he included a lengthy summary of the book in the equally , if not more , notorious Moses and Monotheism and retracted nothing of what he had said originally .
8 Then the significance of what he had said came home to her .
9 ‘ Ohh ! ’ she gasped , shocked by the implications of what he 'd said .
10 And then I thought again of Osvaldo , of what he 'd said in the silver light of the prison yard , his smile and the ‘ Bom dia ! ’ with which he had favoured me , knowing even then the terminating choice , the course that lay before him .
11 Because of what he 'd said and because I 'd asked his wife who he was .
12 She thought of what he 'd said about New England that day he 'd brought her to Rome , and how arrogantly she 'd reacted .
13 He has no permanent record of what he has said earlier , and only under unusual circumstances does he have notes which remind him what he wants to say next .
14 In view of what he has said , I deeply regret having called him , I think on Question 2 , to ask a question about the Northumbria police which had nothing to do with his constituency .
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