Example sentences of "of [Wh det] [modal v] be called " in BNC.

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1 The American biologist Garrett Hardin used it to summarize the message of what may be called ‘ sociobiology ’ or ‘ selfish genery ’ .
2 Eliot certainly appreciated Hayward 's caustic wit and was himself , according to Hayward , " … a connoisseur of the ridiculous , an ironical commentator on human folly , a lover of allusive quotation ( particularly from the dicta of Sherlock Holmes and other eminent detectives ) , and a passionate observer of what may be called the Bouvard et Pécuchet way of life " .
3 ‘ while the relation of a husband to his wife is not one of influence , and no presumption exists of undue influence , it has never been divested completely of what may be called equitable presumptions of an invalidating tendency .
4 What ‘ the state ’ stands for is a number of particular institutions which , together , constitute its reality , and which interact as parts of what may be called the state system .
5 The power of some pressure groups can only be explained in terms of what may be called an ‘ insider ’ status within the policy-making system .
6 Lastly , I have tried to show tat the mechanical properties of many polymers may be described using the concepts and terminology of composites , so indicating the usefulness of what may be called a theory of materials .
7 We think , perhaps , too much of the sedimentary environment , and not enough of what may be called the geophysical environment that can ensure their preservation .
8 Since such a review stands rather apart from the rest of the material , it is presented separately , in Appendix A , where we consider what syntax is and is not , and the difficulties that have beset previous attempts to explain it , of which the principal result has been an implicit acceptance of what may be called the " perspicuity of grammar " .
9 He makes heavy use of what may be called the Argument from Personal Incredulity .
10 He stated the position at p617 as follows : There is no question here of what may be called sentimental damage bereavement or pain and suffering .
11 What is especially fascinating about this text is that a rehabilitation of masculinity coexists with an ironic repudiation of it , and a critique of what might be called masculinity 's cultural unconscious .
12 At the same time the Island women showed greater signs of what might be called normal anxiety .
13 So when he claims to have had glimpses of absolute Truth , it may be reasonable to assume , not that he has caught a glimpse of some kind of hypostasized Ultimate or extra-mundane entity , but rather that through his participation in a particular form of life he is made aware of the need to live and act in accordance with certain religious and ethical criteria and is informed by the spirit of what might be called dharma ( law ) , or ta ( moral law ) , or tao ( way ) but which he prefers to call Truth ( Satya ) or God .
14 Physical security breaches cover occurrences such as theft of equipment , and a number of what might be called ‘ acts of God ’ — lightning , flood or fire for instance .
15 The mood is one of what might be called creative compliance rather than avoidance as such .
16 The concerns of what might be called the research and development agencies in the NHS , such as the Nuffield Foundation and the Kings Fund , also provided a stimulus for change .
17 But judicial control is only one form of what might be called ‘ public accountability ’ .
18 The prime function of representative standing can be said to be to facilitate the protection of what might be called ‘ diffuse interests ’ , that is interests shared by many people .
19 When we visited the big open-air retail market in the upper town at Montpellier , there was an ordinary enough little charcuterie-épicerie stall offering the ingredients of what might be called the small change of French cookery , but to our English eyes it looked particularly inviting and interesting .
20 One major difference is that efficiency audits mix comments on monopoly abuse and performance with a great deal of what might be called management consultancy .
21 Unfortunately there is a flourishing literary genre of what might be called ‘ rural retrospective regret ’ which is often quite unreliable on the actual history of the English village .
22 There is , of course , nothing new in the development of what might be called a farm-centred community , distinct and largely separated from the village , particularly in the pastoral and upland areas of England , where this kind of settlement pattern has traditionally been more common .
23 And against all sense and credibility I worked out that I had landed in the midst of what might be called a farmstead , Fraxilly-style .
24 During these years , when social and educational policy became important concerns of colonial administration in Africa , he emerged as an articulate spokesman of what might be called ‘ the progressive missionary outlook ’ .
25 This bequeathed to Berlin and Prussia the advantages of what might be called ‘ political backwardness in perspective ’ , and enabled the creation of an inordinately powerful military and bureaucratic apparatus .
26 The most developed exposition of what might be called the Katib Celebi view is to be found in d'Ohsson , who writes :
27 Both parties , nevertheless , seemed concerned to limit or even abolish the Monarch 's culpability in this situation , and to insist upon a new procedural rule of what might be called ‘ party responsibility ’ .
28 Elaborations are characteristic of what might be called a pedagogical style , which itself can be explained in terms of the principle of relevance .
29 Identification of what might be called a transient problem , compared with , with a deep-seated long-term problem , is perhaps not always apparent .
30 By the use of what will be called ‘ diagnostic frames ’ , semantic properties we wish to diagnose , but can not leave to naked intuition , are converted into properties concerning which straightforward intuitive judgements are relatively reliable .
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