Example sentences of "of [noun pl] [verb] all [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A large dispenser of detergent , an old flex microphone as big as a taper , a polythene bag of tubular bandages , a sealant gun and a box of raisins fell all over his feet .
2 His room 's a dustbin with lists of objects pinned all over the walls — no , I do n't know what it means .
3 With the enclosure of the open fields and the redistribution of the land mostly in compact blocks instead of strips scattered all over the parish , one would have expected the old open-field village to disintegrate as the village farmers built new farmsteads on their allotments .
4 The two levels of arcades continue all round the church and the gallery , at first floor level , is of vast width and dimensions .
5 When we reached our hotel and unlocked a suitcase we had kept , we thought , rigidly fastened back in Devon , we were mortified to find mountains of confetti cascading all over the floor .
6 Hundreds of trials followed all over the land in the wake of Chelmsford .
7 Bloody Hitler and his crew of cut-throats tramping all over Europe .
8 There are quite a lot of other bits and bobs floating about , asteroids , meteors , little bits of chunks flying all over the place .
9 and erm these were poultry breeders be erm scattered all over the count er county who yes the erm accredited poultry breeding station scheme was erm initiated by the Ministry of Agriculture and erm there were a number of farms scattered all over the county erm where they were open to inspection and erm we had erm had a Mrs who went round and inspected the flocks and erm they had to reapply each year to erm sustain their accreditation
10 Still , we 'll get dozens of men crawling all over this building again . ’
11 These early movies are now lost , but her illustrated day book and many photographs remain — an important part of the record of women working all over Britain at the start of commercial photography .
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