Example sentences of "of [noun sg] can [be] found " in BNC.

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1 Inevitably , therefore , almost every type of building can be found in just such a location , but here our interest lies in the recognition of broader trends of land-usage among the small towns .
2 The geometric origins of Constructivism can be found in the work of Pythagoras and its philosophy was prepared by Plato .
3 Hence multiple copies of a given fragment of text can be found all around the surface of the disc , the more so if the disc is old and much used .
4 Further discussion on the domestic division of labour can be found in chapter 4 , section 4.3 , especially as it affects the inequality between men and women .
5 Chests of tea and bales of wool can be found in the lower cargo hold .
6 Accessible discussions both of measures of central tendency and of variability can be found in Butler ( 1985b , chapter 3 ) and Erickson and Nosanchuk ( 1977 , chapter 3 ) .
7 A third contrasting example of collectivity can be found in the Scottish Trades Councils in the latter part of the 19th Century , which formed a much stronger focus for working class politics than national trades unions at that time .
8 It is wrong to confuse ‘ bureaucracy ’ with ‘ large ’ organisations , because the features of bureaucracy can be found in many small and most medium-sized organisations .
9 Species of Coeloptychium can be found in England and elsewhere in Europe .
10 Perhaps the most glaring example of this problem of non-falsifiability can be found in the manner in which Marxists have been able to argue that state spending is functional for capitalism : increases in state spending are functional since they increase effective demand and legitimacy , yet so are decreases in state spending since they increase the profitability private sector firms .
11 Even more exciting changes of éaulement can be found in Ashton 's Birthday Offering where each soloist dances an old step at a new angle , without breaking the rules or older conventions of nineteenth-century ballet .
12 More usually , ads for these types of product can be found with extensive and detailed copy — but copy designed to sell as well as , sometimes , inform .
13 A clearer case of neutralisation can be found in the case of plosives following s in syllable-initial position .
14 Success of the PC as an engineering tool must in part be due to its expansion bus and the fact that nearly every type of facility can be found on a PC card .
15 The prohibition of incest can be found in the utterances within many kinship systems .
16 Another source for dances of character can be found in the sad clown or ‘ the man who gets slapped ’ .
17 Numerous examples of this line of argument can be found in Dear 's report on Handsworth , and in press coverage during the riots .
18 These occasions would clearly refer only to the more serious incidents where the Football Association felt it necessary to discipline clubs formally , and many more examples of hooliganism can be found in the newspapers of the period .
19 All radical groups have such an aim and the method of variation can be found in all who reflect upon the world ; it is certainly central to Powell 's method .
20 The philosophy of life can be found in religion and religion gives life a meaning .
21 This kind of operation can be found in mail-order businesses , and in cash-and-carry outlets .
22 The greatest concentration of employment can be found in Glasgow City District , reflecting the large number of grain distilleries , warehouses , blending plants and offices located there .
23 Where no evidence of infection can be found , the complaint is sometimes called prostatodynia ( ‘ prostate pain ’ ) .
24 What sort of information can be found on the Internet ?
25 Six characters attempt to have a meal together , yet behind the facade of respectability can be found corruption , political oppression and even drug-trafficking .
26 A later use of stone can be found in everyday rather than religious or funerary building .
27 Effects of soil erosion in every degree of intensity can be found in Latin America , ranging from ravaged mountain slopes of the Andes to incipient dust storms in rangelands of the Argentine Republic .
28 If we are sceptical that an evidential base with intrinsic credibility and a isolatable and justifiable conception of rationality can be found , then we might try to tackle the same problems non-reductively , in which case anti-naturalist scruples seem out of place .
29 A form of structure can be found in the Monk 's Tale in the grouping of examples of , for instance , those whose fall is attributable to women , those whose fall is attributable to sin , those who fall through treachery , etc. , but repetition rather than variation is the wearisome experience of reading this tale .
30 These two kinds of agreement can be found in European languages where : different person in the subject require different verb endings
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