Example sentences of "of [art] [noun pl] ' training " in BNC.

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1 Production of the magazine has become part of the students ' training , with proceeds being used to provide additional resources for the courses involved .
2 The Annual Christmas Concert took place in the hall of the Teachers ' Training College at Barnards Cross .
3 Brigadier Scott is taken to the Sergeants ' Mess to meet the Mess members , all of Whom have played vital parts either as instructors or in the administrative support of the recruits ' training , prior to lunching in the Officers ' Mess .
4 The published accounts of these journeys and the plants found , 250 in Kent and 72 more in Hampstead , were the first records of the herborising expeditions which were to become a regular part of the Apprentices ' training in botany .
5 The allocation to L Detachment of specialists taken from Special Service units would greatly increase the scope of the units ' training and thereby augment its value to men who inevitably gain versatility and resourcefulness .
6 Much of the certifieds ' training is done by correspondence course and , until the final exams that must be passed in one sitting , they are able to tackle the lower stages over a five-year period , taking one or two at a time .
7 She hopes to continue tutoring for A level and GCSE and will be a member of the staff of the Readers ' training course in the Derby Diocese .
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