Example sentences of "of [pron] [vb -s] happen [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Sorry — problem 's a bit of a silly word to use in the light of what 's happened to you . ’
2 The mystery of what 's happened to them .
3 But she 'll hit back at anyone around her , just because of what 's happened to her .
4 It 's because of what 's happened to them , in their lives , with the men they 've known .
5 ‘ Because of what 's happened to John ? ’
6 But can you just give me , sort of , a brief overview of what 's happened to the composition of world trade right , say over the last hundred years or so .
7 It 's no wonder , of course , when you think of what 's happened to you , but if you do n't watch it you 're going to crack .
8 Now if I could just remind you of what 's happened at the Lyndford Haven er er , Synod , last March erm , the Financial Committee have suggested that we should go for a target of five hundred and ten thousand but er , this is we are not gon na be able to even start looking at the eleven and a half thousand if if er all the provinces do it for months and more and we , I think very bravely or foolishly whatever way you li , look at it , proposed that we should got to five hundred and forty thousand and it looks as thought we 're gon na end up certainly nearer to five ten than five forty .
9 Could you just give me an impression of what 's happened in the aviation industry over the past few weeks , because I think I am right in saying that the number of people flying actually has been drastically reduced .
10 It is important to establish a committee to monitor these matters , because of what has happened since the deregulation of bus services in Scotland in 1985 .
11 A figure of that sort , roughly twice the value of East Germany 's 1986 exports and imports combined , is bound to cause incredulity , but even if the figure were halved , it would still be a remarkable indication of what has happened to a country which in the first half of the 1980s claimed to have established itself among the top ten industrial nations .
12 Bereaved people trying to make sense of what has happened to them often find that one of the most difficult things is to discover that they ‘ can not think straight ’ and when they do their thoughts are often so disturbing and frightening that they feel they 've ‘ gone mad ’ .
13 I may now have an inkling of what has happened to me over the last few years ; I may have lined up a few suspects , even tentatively put my finger on ‘ who done it ’ ; I may have my own private detectives working alongside the regular police , and we may have made an arrest or two , but the file has not been closed .
14 ‘ You see , dear boy , what you have stumbled upon are classic cases of what has happened to me .
15 ‘ No , it is a very pertinent question , particularly in the light of what has happened to Mr Lomax .
16 Gradin is the reflection of what has happened to all of us .
17 Only once , and perhaps not surprisingly , when he talked about having to explain the implications of what has happened to him to his five-year-old daughter , Camera , did he almost break down .
18 Rangers have been shot and no one has an accurate picture of what has happened to the wildlife there .
19 He will shift very rapidly between different representations of the equipment ; the thing itself , his maintenance instructions , the manual , the drawings of the system , verbal discussion with a colleague , his recollection of what has happened to it in the past and so on .
20 I hope he can grow up to be a normal young man in spite of what has happened to me .
21 I am glad to be able to enlighten the hon. Member for Thurrock ( Mr. Janman ) , especially when he talks in terms of what has happened to the numbers of unemployed during Labour Governments .
22 I then zealous to understand I I er , er , erm sought it Statutes , Volume thirty-three nineteen ninety three edition and studied most carefully pages six hundred and seventy-five to six hundred and seventy-seven and there I found an account of what has happened to Sections two and three and also for the first time light was shed upon Section two A. My Lords , I have from time to time ventured to express some doubt as to whether our legislative procedures were as excellent , as I 'm sure Your Lordships would wish them to be and when I recently suggested in the most mild terms to Her Majesty 's Government that they might consider some form of enquiry into our legislative procedures to see whether as they were as high class as they should be , erm I was given a very negative reply the clear influence of which was that the our legislative procedures could not possibly be improved and My Lords I do really think with respect that that is a proposition which is open to doubt .
23 ‘ An issue that is consistently swept under the carpet is the power adults can have over children when they give their stories of what has happened to them , ’ said Prof Turner .
24 ‘ I 've come to see you because of what has happened to my parents . ’
25 But in the sixties and seventies , that 's where all the kids used to jump up onto the flat roof , that was the area where they jumped up , so this could be a result of what has happened from there , I mean that 's why the
26 We have a different role , but nevertheless and even , an important one is perhaps in even looking further ahead than the Emergency Planning and therefore I would support er in being brief I would support very much erm Mr 's er motion if you can call it a motion which has been seconded and I hope that other members will will agree that erm we can pass this on to the Chief Executive who obviously will be doing this in any case , but it would give er a a an added er measure if you like er I 'm talking in terms of member involvement in pressing for er a wider look of what has happened after this sad flood has been dealt with .
27 It is no more partisan than my description of what has happened in the universities . )
28 Liverpool seems unique , not simply because of the scale of its problems but also because of the consistent pattern of political conflict that has characterized so much of what has happened in the city and in its relations with central government .
29 Reading Thein Pe 's eye-witness account of what has happened in Burma makes it apparent to any still in doubt that Japan 's slogan of ‘ Asia for the Asiatics ’ means in reality ‘ Asia for Japan ’ .
30 It is an essential element in the planning cycle to measure the effects of the advertising , as far as possible , together with those of other types of marketing activity , in order to take account of what has happened in the next phase of planning .
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