Example sentences of "of [noun] [conj] later [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The tensions that did arise were generated during the period of readjustment and later resolved .
2 Lenin was involved in motivating revolutionary action by , in part , a critique of bureaucracy but later assumed responsibility for the economic development of a backward country that needed experts in positions of authority .
3 Out of chaos emerged a self-created god , Atum , who was all or nothing , who was the original sun god of Heliopolis and later deemed to be the creative aspect of Re .
4 My detachment was not allowed to last , I was soon chatting to the ex-Lady Mayor of Portsmouth and later made friends with the Commanding Officer of one of the Army supply boats stationed on Benbecula with whom I was able to swap experiences in the Outer Hebrides .
5 This festival was linked in the East with the birth of Mithras and later taken over by the Christians by conveniently moving the birthday of Christ to this date .
6 Graham Evans , of Blundellsands , was an apprentice who worked on the Spirit of Merseyside and later served aboard as bosun .
7 It seems reasonable to assume that Oswiu certainly brought into subjection to himself the Pictish kingdom of Fortriu ( between the Forth and the Tay ) , for Bridei , the son of Bili , king of Strathclyde , and Ecgfrith 's cousin ( HB ch. 57 ) , who became king of the Picts on the expulsion of Drest and later fought against Ecgfrith , is described specifically in the Irish annals as ‘ king of Fortriu ’ at his death in 692 ( AU s.a .
8 According to different versions , Count Helldorf , Police President of Berlin and later implicated in the July plot of 1944 against Hitler , Julius Streicher , Alfred Rosenberg , Adolf Wagner , and the ‘ blood and soil ’ guru of Nazi agricultural policy Walther Darré , had been arrested for complicity in Hess 's ‘ treason ’ , and some of them already shot .
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