Example sentences of "be felt to [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 With us privacy and kinship are felt to be roughly coterminous .
2 The poignancy of the situation is increased because love and longing themselves are felt to be so close to aggression .
3 The sufferings of the young when first they go away from home and try to hold their own with cruel contemporaries are felt to be very great even when they are not .
4 One possible answer is that in periods of structural change major upheavals and dislocation are felt — a crisis is obvious — whereas in the intervening years changes occur smoothly and are felt to be less dramatic .
5 This , however , has been felt to be rather ironical since , although he is critical of idealism and maintains a formal commitment to empirical rationalism , it is Hobhouse who in fact calls for the greater degree of state intervention .
6 With lowered voice the vibrator could be felt to be less active , and the sound-level meter would show the lower volume of sound .
7 Whilst all of the guest rooms are furnished to the highest levels — model rooms were built for every member of staff to comment on and the opening was delayed by several months until things were felt to be completely right — the Amstel 's jewel in the crown is its Royal Suite .
8 The measures were felt to be particularly harsh by those catholic parents who were getting involved with the All Children Together movement .
9 In particular , the process of consultation , and the provision within the Act to challenge service charges , were felt to be very difficult to enforce .
10 ( Active sportsmen — and active bandsmen ‘ too , for the companies encouraged the colliery bands — were felt to be less likely to engage in ‘ subversive ’ union and other activity , and inter-village rivalries were encouraged : Waller , 1983 , p. 197 , p. 208 . )
11 This was undoubtedly due partly to the war and partly because the statutes contained criteria which were felt to be less justiciable : if the minister stated that a regulation concerning trademarks was necessary for securing the safety of the realm the court would not adjudicate upon this .
12 Group 2 's justification for this was echoed unanimously : ( c ) and ( g ) were felt to be too repetitive to be placed side by side .
13 Some of the changes were felt to be long overdue , such as a scale 3 second in department for English , and it was not always clear whether the appraisal had been the driving force behind a particular change or whether it had simply brought some long-standing problems to urgent attention .
14 The Department of Defense refused further co-operation , the risk of a hostile audience reception being felt to be too great , and there was perceived to be an indifference to the war created by television news saturation .
15 Very shortly after the declaration of war with Spain on 25 April 1898 the Quartermaster approved two new jackets for optional undress and field use by officers , both presumably being felt to be more practical than the smart but confining stand-collar coat of 1895 .
16 It is true that God is not yet totally banished from his creation , but having made it and all that is in it , rather like a watchmaker constructs a timepiece , he is felt to be no longer necessary to explain the inner workings of the mechanism .
17 Here the object of make is felt to be completely under the sway of the subject and so to have no initiative of its own : the causal agent brings about a change in this object in an immediate fashion without any room for a condition–consequence or stimulus–reaction relationship .
18 Interviewers are free to ask is felt to be most effective in the circumstances .
19 In the first place , though the sense of want is acute and even painful , yet the mere wanting is felt to be somehow a delight .
20 A room which is thoroughly comfortable when it is felt to be simply " untidy " becomes uninhabitable as soon as it is perceived as " dirty " .
21 The tone chosen can indicate whether the tone-unit in which it occurs is being used to present new information or to refer to information which is felt to be already possessed by speaker and hearer .
22 When the issue has not been discussed because it is felt to be too painful to talk about or because it is considered an unsuitable topic of conversation , then there may be problems .
23 To the Nuer , god appears both as lofty and remote , though omnipotent , while sometimes approachable and near-at-hand : indeed on some occasions he is felt to be too close for comfort and is earnestly beseeched to withdraw his presence and leave his people in peace .
24 Even our code of etiquette , with its rule that women always have precedence , is a legacy from courtly love , and is felt to be far from natural in modern Japan or India …
25 The former could cover all cases but it is felt to be more appropriate to use fairness in the context of , for example , company inspectors , or immigration officers .
26 Ford Q1 is a total quality commitment and in many ways is felt to be more difficult to achieve than BS 5750/ISO 9000 .
27 Indeed , the idea that women might take control of their desire to the point where men come to be judged as objects of pleasure is felt to be so threatening as to be tabooed .
28 After the hard autumn fighting in the Champagne the rest was felt to be well deserved .
29 In these two cases , the motivation for the institutional preference was quite different : one based on what was felt to be best for the sufferer , and the other largely on what was best for the carer .
30 If the parent of the opposite sex was unconsciously seductive with this adult when a young child , and if the excitement of the love of and for this parent was felt to be too dangerous , or was disapproved of by the parent of the same sex , passion and excitement within marriage may continue to be forbidden by an inner imperative .
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