Example sentences of "be believed [prep] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The hereditary caste of Guardians must ( Plato says ) be believed to be originally golden while the other castes are of various baser metals , and the various metals ought not to be mixed together .
2 The families of republican murderer Anna Moore and loyalist killer Bobby Corry are believed to be bitterly divided over their controversial decision to wed .
3 The costs to the motorist are believed to be broadly similar to those for a car phone , with a sliding scale of charges based on the level and frequency of use .
4 For instance , discharges frequently run from septic tanks in the grounds of country cottages , many of whose occupants are old people who have the sympathies of field men , since most of them are believed to be badly off .
5 Within this context , however , Coot are believed to be fairly common .
6 Children are believed to be more vulnerable than adults , who are thought to have built up an immunity after a similar , but much less virulent virus appeared last year .
7 Nothing is known of their breeding habits , but females are believed to be more robust than males .
8 There are believed to be anywhere between 50,000 and 100,000 migrant labourers from the Philippines , Indonesia and Thailand working illegally in Taiwan and helping to keep down wage levels .
9 All but the first of these are characteristics of many less highly evolved haplochromines ( Mbuna are believed to be highly specialised descendants of a haplochromine ancestor ) , eg Astatotilapia .
10 If all goes smoothly , she now has the chance to become the first ‘ young British designer ’ to be internationally recognised ( oddly , in the fashion business , designers are believed to be as young as their clothes look , which , in Hamnett 's case , is about 19 ) .
11 There are believed to be around 100,000 contaminated sites in the UK , many the legacy of mining , gas or chemical works , although Denner acknowledged that the full scale of the problem was not known .
12 Populations of red deer and boar are believed to be under greater pressure from hunters due to wartime shortages .
13 Most industrialised governments are believed to be so alarmed by new reports demonstrating the rapid destruction of the ozone layer that they will almost certainly approve a new target of 1996 .
14 Analysis of known DNA-PK substrates suggests that one such factor is the product of the c-jun proto-oncogene , since it is phosphorylated by the DNA-PK less strongly than other factors that are believed to be multiply phosphorylated ( 9 ) .
15 ‘ The gigantic power and influence of the ovaries over the whole animal economy of woman ’ , as Dr Bliss put it in 1870 , meant that women 's constitutions were believed to be inherently unstable throughout the life cycle .
16 Her vast deposits were in 1880 still largely unexplored ; those of Silesia alone were believed to be even greater than the huge fields already opened in Great Britain .
17 These rocks , now thought to be about 650 million years old , were believed to be completely unfossiliferous .
18 Dialectology in its traditional form is therefore principally interested in geographical differences ; its best-known data-gathering technique has been to send researchers ( usually called ‘ field-workers ’ ) mainly into rural areas ( where the speakers were believed to be less likely to have been influenced by other accents ) , to find elderly speakers ( whose speech was believed to have been less influenced by other accents and to preserve older forms of the dialect ) and to use lists of questions to find information about vocabulary and pronunciation , the questions being chosen to concentrate on items known to vary a lot from region to region .
19 Some of those arrested were released last night , but most were believed to be still in custody at RUC interrogation centres in Belfast and Armagh , held under the Prevention of Terrorism Act , the Official Secrets Act and common law .
20 The Queen Mother is believed to be strongly against divorced Anne 's decision to remarry on Saturday .
21 The coral sand surrounding coral reefs is believed to be mostly produced by Parrotfish and Triggerfish .
22 NCD 's base is believed to be largely in the technical arena .
23 The distance of the cluster is believed to be over 9000 light-years ; it contains several thousands of stars , and it can not be less than 30 light-years in diameter .
24 The red Sierra is believed to be either A , C or D-registered .
25 The problem is believed to be either an Achilles tendon strain or a stress fracture of the right foot .
26 The first is the ethical difficulty associated with the need to give a patient the treatment that is believed to be best for him or her as an individual rather than what the statistician 's random allocation might assign .
27 Subsequent writers , however , have copied Patrick Forbes 's work without checking for themselves , and the misleading myth has evolved in which the first thousand litres of the cuvée is believed to be officially designated the premiere cuvée .
28 It is believed to be probably caused by an organic abnormality of the brain dating from before or even after birth ; it can occur up to three or even five years of age .
29 The LTA magazine sells less than 10,000 copies in newsagents , and is subsidised through LTA membership fees to the tune of what is believed to be nearly £250,000 .
30 Asian rhino horn is believed to be more potent and is worth around £30,000 a kilo , while the larger African horn fetches only £1,000 a kilo .
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