Example sentences of "be placed [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There was imposed upon him , which he reaffirmed at his Bar Mitzvah at 12 years of age , a double mark : not only the circumcision by which all Jewish males are placed under the covenantal blessings and duties , but also the onus of priesthood .
2 Since the Library 's collections are dispersed throughout three buildings , it is necessary to have a more or less continuous programme of transferring stock from one floor to another , and from one building to another , in order to create space for expansion and to ensure that the printed collections are placed to the maximum advantage as far as distribution , access and preservation are concerned .
3 Bearing in mind the fact that my constituents want a reliable and quality service , will he take steps today to confirm that the orders that are placed for the new Networker rolling stock will be supplied in the near future , for the betterment of the north-west Kent commuter ?
4 The two other chairs are placed on the other side of this table , still farther to the right , so that they do not block the view of the first two through the balustrade of the veranda .
5 When keys are returned care must be taken to see that they are placed on the correct key hook .
6 In a strict order of preferential treatment , the newest titles are placed on the top rack , and moved down weekly , until the volumes on the bottom rack are superseded and returned to the publisher for pulping .
7 Any dwellings not taken up within a specified time are placed on the open market .
8 Selection for senior posts is therefore more important than training ; if people who display the appropriate qualities are placed in the correct context then they will flourish .
9 c It is suggested that Adverts are placed in the following papers , depending on the areas involved in the Consultation Exercise : Scotsman ( Friday ) Evening News ( Friday ) Dalkeith Advertiser ( published weekly , Thursday ) East Lothian Courier ( published weekly , Friday ) Lothian Courier ( published weekly , Thursday )
10 The result is , as we have seen , a tendency towards a teacher-dominated style of interaction , in which children are placed in the passive role of respondents , obliged to accept the teacher 's definition of what is considered relevant .
11 It 's the cause of the divisive broad band streaming which I think some comprehensives have been persuaded to use , and I 'm forced to say how can a child really value himself or herself if they are placed in the bottom band of such a school throughout the time when they are at that comprehensive ?
12 The new industry of salmon-farming has filled the gap as far as the scavenging gulls are concerned : the rearing cages are placed in the sheltered bays and ‘ sounds ’ between the islands and are fed on high-protein , manufactured food in pellet form , which are ferried out in sacks by small boats .
13 The Bill will give the Lord Chancellor the power to ensure that appropriate categories of cases — according to complexity , value and legal importance — are placed before the appropriate court .
14 Police , firemen and council workers had worked through the night to restore the scene of the atrocity , and fresh paving stones had already been placed over the gaping holes left by the blasts .
15 I do apologise , I do apologise yourself order I see it 's been placed on the early question question again ?
16 The changes on the labour market had come with greater rapidity than anticipated , too much reliance had been placed on the automatic adjustments , the mobility , of the market mechanism ’ ( quoted Flanagan et al. , 1983 , p. 605 ) .
17 It had been placed on the right-hand side of the green , guarded by two bunkers .
18 The village was quiet with only a couple of old men sitting on a bench outside the church as we drove through the gates of the big house and along the road through the village , passing the Chateau where the Commando dead had been placed on the front lawn shortly after we had entered the village , and during the bitter fighting of the first ten days .
19 A few minutes later the Deruta vase containing about half a kilo of assorted chocolates had been placed on the rear seat of the Volvo and he was sitting in the front watching Cinzia tear up the parking ticket which had been tucked under the windscreen wiper .
20 Greater emphasis should also have been placed on the economic context in which disputes occur and on the state of political consensus — primarily , whether the trade unions are accepted in a ‘ partnership ’ role with the state , or are defined as problematic to its objectives ( Ragin et al , 1982:243 ) .
21 The two component parts of Owen 's productive classes had been placed on the opposite sides of a divide ; and their separation into ‘ them and us ’ was now so far completed as to have become irreversible .
22 An artificial pink rose had been placed on the red cover roughly in the centre of the body .
23 Much emphasis has been placed on the theoretical value of tat and protease inhibitors .
24 Of the first edition it was said : The book deals with the whole gamut of infectious diseases but due emphasis has been placed on the common diseases , both in their typical and atypical forms and on those aspects of the less common diseases which a practitioner may recognise …
25 The bolts have been placed on the broken right wall of the crag to furnish a zigzagging handrail across about 100 feet of rock .
26 After returning the painting to the icon shop , the dealer subsequently received two contradictory letters , the first stating that ‘ his ’ Wtewael had been placed on the national index of important works of art that could not leave Germany , and the follow-up , which noted that the Wtewael had been taken off the index , and that it could , therefore , be exported .
27 The long tin bath that usually hung by one of its handles on the wall of the pantry had been placed on the level paving stones at the bottom end of the back yard .
28 However , because all the seismic stations have been placed on the near side the wave speeds down to this depth only reliably apply to the near side .
29 While great emphasis has rightly been placed on the active involvement of the pupils in their learning , it should always be remembered that there is still a place for the teacher to convey a feel for an event or person by presenting the story .
30 Students have been placed with the European Secretariat in Luxembourg , with Amnesty International , Oxfam , Third World Development agencies , and with parliamentary representatives , thus combining theoretical studies with practical work experience .
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