Example sentences of "be allowed [to-vb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 no , we 're allowed to light a coal fire were n't we ?
2 ‘ First you try to disarm me by offering to pay half the fare and now you 're telling me I 'm allowed to despise a criminal . ’
3 However , if your customer has become officially insolvent you may be allowed to claim a refund of the VAT charged .
4 You wo n't be allowed to erect a headstone , have a name-plate or put flowers on a common grave , so is it any wonder that the whole thing smacks of the dreaded ‘ pauper 's burial ’ and that , however poor , people will make monumental sacrifices to raise the money somehow for the ‘ something better ’ that they feel they should provide ?
5 Perhaps this is the perfect excuse to be allowed to pick a selection of all the suitable plants from the gardens of all your friends and family , just in case !
6 On Nov. 23 Sharif , reportedly encouraged by flagging popular support for Bhutto 's march , hinted at a compromise whereby she would be allowed to board a train in Karachi bound for Rawalpindi , and to engage in political activities " as long as they are peaceful " .
7 Section 6 stated that although parents should be allowed to state a preference for a school , compliance with that preference was not required if it would ‘ prejudice the provision of efficient education or the efficient use of resources ’ .
8 Friction led to furious rows and the rows led to Willy demanding that he should be allowed to take a room where he could look after himself .
9 ‘ And he seemed such a nice young man , ’ said Ianthe helplessly , for by what standards was one to judge the kind of person who might be allowed to take a book out of the library if not by the usual ones of manner , speech , dress , and general demeanour ?
10 Du n no if Bonnie will be allowed to take a week off school .
11 Nor should there be a reason why the patient should not be allowed to call a doctor of his own choice if the matter to be resolved is only one of diagnosis and medication .
12 Okay John why why why why do you think it 's important that you should be allowed to wear a hairpiece if you want ?
13 You will not be allowed to wear a sweatband or jewellery such as earrings , necklaces , bracelets or rings .
14 Why , he asked , should a man with an instant high profile platform in the House of Lords be allowed to use a TV channel while other less well placed people queue to voice their views .
15 Why , he asked , should a man with an instant high profile platform in the House of Lords be allowed to use a TV channel while other less well placed people queue to voice their views .
16 Companies which meet criteria will be allowed to use a logo containing a statement of their participation .
17 She will be allowed to use a payphone , but only once a day .
18 She will be allowed to use a payphone , but only once a day .
19 The Bank of England began its career by lending the government £1.2m. in irredeemable bonds , and in return was given a pledge that no other joint-stock company would be allowed to open a bank .
20 The report argues that the drug crisis should not be allowed to obscure a pattern of gross human rights violations committed by members of the armed forces , often working in collusion with alleged drug traffickers , and paramilitary groups acting on their orders .
21 I can see the time coming when no one will be allowed to haunt a house without an MBA . ’
22 Licensed private traders would be allowed to make a profit of no more than 10 per cent on unprocessed goods bought from state or co-operative enterprises , or 20 per cent if their merchandise had been repackaged or stored .
23 He was told that , if he behaved himself in the segregation block where he was being held , he would be allowed to make a call to his father who was seriously ill .
24 As we were still undergoing our basic training , we were not allowed to have a bar and nor would we be allowed to make a tour of the rest of the bars in the regiment , a ruling which Mike , Marius and myself were determined to do something about .
25 Have you received a request from the Secretary of State for Social Security to be allowed to make a statement on the withdrawal of moneys from Mirror Group Newspapers ' pension fund ?
26 Above all , functionalism must not be allowed to become a kind of contagious magic characterized , in Frazer 's definition , by the confusion of effects with causes .
27 It provided for ( i ) free movement of goods , services and labour ; ( ii ) a common monetary system and central banking system ; ( iii ) no federal taxation but a unified tax rate for taxes common to all republics ; ( iv ) agreed limits to republics ' budget deficits and a community budget which would not be allowed to have a deficit ; and ( v ) price reform , with controlled prices for key goods and services .
28 A GRIEVING family 's plea to be allowed to have a teddy bear carved on their daughter 's gravestone is to go to the Bishop of Chelmsford .
29 Luke , however , who was a genius with difficult horses , begged to be allowed to have a crack at her .
30 For example , management may be allowed to keep a proportion of their shares , such proportion rising as time passes .
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