Example sentences of "be carried [adv prt] [prep] [num] " in BNC.

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1 Cultivations are carried out for three reasons : to improve the soil crumb structure and so create an ideal seed-bed for the crop ; to uproot and kill weeds ; and to bury turf or crop residues where they will rot down and not compete with the ensuing crop .
2 File selection and search practice are carried out on two emulated systems ( DIALOG and ORBIT ) .
3 Advertising has been banned in Iceland since 1971 ; surveys of 12–16 year olds in Reykjavik ( where 40% of the entire age- group live ) have been carried out since 1974 and show a very clear trend .
4 Considerable research has been carried out since 1973 by the Department of Geology at Cardiff University .
5 On Aug. 29 Nazarbayev closed the nuclear testing site at Semipalatinsk where over 500 nuclear explosions had been carried out since 1949 .
6 No executions had been carried out since 1984 , and there were currently 287 people in prison waiting for parliament to confirm or commute their death sentences ( mostly handed down in the early 1980s ) .
7 Restoration work has been carried out on two towers in Surrey .
8 Dental appointments were booked for seven ( 70 per cent ) of the children whose teeth had not recently been inspected , and at least four of these had been carried out within three months of the first assessment .
9 v South Africa : A programme of smoking cessation support for young people based on self-confidence enhancement has recently been carried out in two black townships near Cape Town .
10 Lipset and Bendix ( 1959 ) , for example , analysed the results of social mobility research that had been carried out in nine different industrialized societies .
11 Research in Scottish geology has been carried out in 21 institutions , but has been concentrated in rather fewer .
12 On June 26 the Commissioner of Police , Gen. Johan van der Merwe , said that the police had information that the Boipatong attack had indeed been carried out by 200-300 residents of the nearby Inkatha-controlled hostel .
13 A search like this has been carried out by two scientists from Dublin , Neil Porter and Trevor Weekes , using telescopes in Arizona .
14 Atrocities were also reported to have been carried out by two militias accompanying the Syrian troops , pro-Syrian Phalangists led by Elie Hobeika , and the Syrian National Socialist Party .
15 Programming work has been carried out by one-third of SERC students were/would be doing .
16 Shaping the garnet could have been carried out by three methods ( Arrhenius 1971 ) .
17 The reduced deficit was to be achieved by ( i ) a 13.2 per cent reduction in investment spending ( although unused investment allocations for 1988 were to be carried over into 1989 ; and ( ii ) the raising of direct and indirect taxes by 29.7 per cent and 23.3 per cent respectively ( although this was largely a reflection of the fact that actual tax yields in 1988 exceeded 1988 budget projections by some 20 per cent ) .
18 Economists noted , however , that the downward trend was unlikely to be carried over to 1990 , and in December 1989 the Ministry of International Trade and Industry ( Miti ) announced a package of measures designed to encourage " drastic " imports into the country .
19 The heavy No 1 can be carried up to 18 –20 knots true or 25 –26 knots apparent .
20 Could a related business activity be carried on within one area of the shop by any of the family members without registering for VAT ( the turnover of this activity is expected to be low ) ?
21 Subject to the above , the related activity could be carried on within one area of the shop by any of the family .
22 The National Trust and the Trustees of Waddesdon Manor had come to the decision that it would be in the best interest of the house for as much work as possible to be carried out at one time , and the range of the repairs is such that the house can not be reopened until April 1993 .
23 As a result of the exercise to be carried out during 1992 , the assessments of research quality will be based on the most up-to-date data .
24 It is ideal if concreting can be carried out during one day as there is then less likelihood of a leak appearing .
25 The second part of this procedure ( 8.2 Archiving ) will be carried out between 08.00 and 08.30 on the morning following the first part of the procedure .
26 Polls about people 's voting intentions will usually be carried out by one of the big agencies such as MORI , Gallup , or National Opinion Polls .
27 This will provide a much more detailed examination of the structure and condition of the property being purchased and will be carried out by one of the Woolwich 's own structural surveyors .
28 Some care needs to be carried out by two nurses , and the less experienced will learn from the other .
29 The clearance procedure involves a review of the circumstances to confirm our competence to act which should be carried out by two independent MAS partners plus a senior partner the names of whom are available from CFSU .
30 The major validation procedures would be carried out by four area committees covering graphic and visual communications ; fashion , surface patterns and textiles ; industrial design and interior design ; and general art and design which takes in areas such as fine art study .
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