Example sentences of "be concerned with [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Yes , indeed , we like to think of geography which is a subject which is concerned with environmental problems in their widest sense , with the problems of society , how people live and work , have their leisure and recreation and we 're concerned with our own country , we 're concerned with distant parts of the world .
2 We are concerned with two forms of covenant : restrictive covenants , which may affect the use to which freeholders may put their land ; and covenants contained in a lease , which restrict the position of tenants .
3 The external factors though are concerned with real events .
4 Conversely , structural geologists are concerned with geophysical surveys .
5 Here we are concerned with essential characteristics of the goods so that , for example , in a hire purchase case Karsales ( Harrow ) Ltd v Wallis [ 1956 ] 1 WLR 936 , a car was defined as being a vehicle capable of moving under its own power .
6 Here we are concerned with bimolecular associations where adverse entropy changes denote loss of translational ( position ) and rotational ( orientation ) motions that occur when two entities come together to form one complex .
7 We have done very little fo for carers who are concerned with aged parents .
8 Many of the classes in the Order are concerned with various types of industry , not only ‘ light ’ , which can generally be carried out in a residential area without detriment to its amenities , and general industry , which can change to light but not vice versa , but also with a number of special categories , such as those subject to the Alkali Inspectorate .
9 The first three chapters are concerned with various aspects of children 's ability to understand language .
10 Some rituals — the majority , indeed — are concerned with bodily functions .
11 My own research in Mexico suggests that female managers tend to be found in those depanments that are concerned with interpersonal relations within the plant ( personnel , public relations , training ) and that women who start off in these areas and succeed are occasionally promoted to higher levels of management .
12 This chapter is in a sense a crucial point in the course : although the segmental material of the preceding chapters is important as a foundation , the relationship between strong and weak syllables and the overall prosodic characteristics of words and sentences are essential to intelligibility , and most of the remaining chapters of the course are concerned with such matters .
13 Writers are concerned with such issues as : Does culture belong to the organisation or to the individuals within it ?
14 There are a number of general theories that are concerned with such issues and we shall briefly investigate these before moving on to an examination of power within organisations .
15 As with the LDCs , the committees are concerned with such issues as local establishments , rosters , overtime and holiday arrangements .
16 Some ensure that manufacturing technology remains up to date , while others are concerned with new products .
17 Messager 's installations are concerned with seminal attractions ; the defacement of chastity , naivety violated by culture , simplicity invaded by the problematic .
18 Understand that the beliefs of a religion/stance for living are concerned with key questions of life
19 In this chapter we are concerned with key aspects of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 , an Act based to some extent on the report of a Royal Commission under the chairmanship of Sir Cyril Philips .
20 All are concerned with practical issues such as the accessibility of the union to those who are coming into the profession and the need to find sensible ways of selecting actors for parts .
21 Let's not forget that we are concerned with parallel-plate capacitors and we are interested in determining the capacitance .
22 All three of the schemes are concerned with mathematical processes .
23 We are concerned with three aspects of the Act — the creation of criminal offences , the Director 's power to enforce the general law and the control of pyramid selling .
24 On inspecting this table we can begin to raise questions about the balance of men and women in secondary school teaching ; especially as far as teaching particular age groups are concerned with more women teaching the younger pupils in middle schools than teaching in comprehensive schools where the complete age range is present .
25 Furthermore , the definition could be sufficiently rational to warrant credence among all those who are concerned with human ailments .
26 Here the main projects are concerned with human resources planning ( Keith Sisson ) , training and development ( Ewart Keep ) and commitment and involvement ( Paul Edwards and Colin Whitston ) .
27 An interface , in computer jargon , is simply a means of connecting the computer to the world outside its box — in this instance we are concerned with connecting printers but it could equally be a cassette recorder , joystick or another computer that we wished to connect .
28 In 1943 , Mark Rothko attempted to deflect the notion that the movement amounted simply to escapism , stating , ‘ We are concerned with primitive myths and symbols that continue to have meaning today …
29 In 1943 , Mark Rothko attempted to deflect the notion that the movement amounted simply to escapism , stating , ‘ We are concerned with primitive myths and symbols that continue to have meaning today …
30 These meetings are concerned with departmental performances , for which the managers are now directly accountable .
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