Example sentences of "be he also aware that " in BNC.

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1 Is he also aware that he has the united resolve of Conservative Members for the speedy passage of his Bill ?
2 Is he also aware that there has been considerable disquiet over the proposed amalgamation of the St.
3 Is he also aware that we lost 6 , 500 jobs due to mine closures and that 1,000 additional jobs have been created — a total of 7,500 extra jobs since 1983 ?
4 Is he also aware that bloodstock is subject to a far higher rate of VAT than in this country in France or in Ireland ?
5 Is he also aware that human skills are the major determinant of success or failure ?
6 Is he also aware that British Steel can not go ahead with its plans for building a new plate mill on Teesside because of the depth of the recession into which the Government have plunged the country ?
7 Is he also aware that there is apprehension about the possibility of strings being attached to western aid ?
8 Is he also aware that those industries have been losing 2,000 jobs per month in addition to the 60,000 jobs already lost and the 7 per cent .
9 Is he also aware that further job losses are in prospect at Coats ' in Paisley ?
10 Is he also aware that some of his colleagues have damaged their interests because they talked out a Bill designed to outlaw discrimination against disabled people ?
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