Example sentences of "be prepare for another [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 16,000ft up in the Bolivian Andes the miners of the Cerro Rico chew coca leaves , they 're preparing for another day in the tin mines .
2 ‘ Morley Street will be prepared for another Champion , and believe me it will take a very good one to beat him , ’ he said .
3 As the temperatures fall , council workers are preparing for another winter gritting the roads .
4 ‘ Now when I know the boys are preparing for another game and I 'm not there , I will miss it ; the familiar routine , meeting at the Petersham Hotel in Richmond on a Wednesday night , the late meal , the exchange of views as people come in ; the Thursday morning training , dashing round to golf or wherever in the afternoon , the team meeting in the evening , the Friday session , probably going to the cinema at night , the leg pulling , the nervous jokes on the Saturday of the game itself , the closing in from the outside world . ’
5 INDUSTRY is preparing for another assault on advance corporation tax .
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