Example sentences of "be refer to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The report had meanwhile been referred to the Serious Fraud Office .
2 A random sample of 100 was taken from the 308 patients who had been referred to the local Detoxification Unit during the same 12 months of the first prevalence study period .
3 The case of Matthew Lucas who is trying to reopen relations with his estranged mother has been referred to the High Court .
4 But workers rejected that offer and the matter has now been referred to the national executive of the Amalgamated Engineering Union , which is expected to rule on the dispute in the next few days .
5 Each Land Registry deals with a certain number of counties , and readers are referred to the current edition of Longman 's Directory of Local Authorities in order to ensure that their applications for First Registration or for a dealing arrive at the right place .
6 Patients are referred to the Medical Officer and to local hospitals where necessary .
7 Patients are referred to the Medical Officer and to local hospitals where necessary .
8 Employees with prolonged or repeated sickness absence are referred to the occupational health service .
9 In practice most councils adopt a policy of partial delegation , so that routine matters may be dealt with expeditiously by the committees , whilst matters of major importance and controversial issues are referred to the full council for decision .
10 Actually we 're referring to the new Data-call System which locates and despatches your taxi .
11 If the request were denied , the parent would have to pursue the matter via the local curriculum complaints procedure established under section 23 of the ERA 1988 , then via the Secretary of State under sections 68 or 99 of the Education Act 1944 , before the matter could then be referred to the European Commission on Human Rights .
12 If this is not possible , the case may then be referred to the European Court of Human Rights , whose decision on the matter will be binding on the nation concerned .
13 If it does not do so , the case will be referred to the European Court for a ruling .
14 The group is asking the commission to reopen its inquiry into the environmental consequences of the road and believes the case could still be referred to the European Court of Justice if the government is found to have infringed EC directives .
15 Unanimity is required for all important decisions , although in cases of disagreement the matter may be referred to the federal government for decision .
16 When I asked earlier what those penalties might be , I was fobbed off with the answer that the matter would be referred to the industrial tribunal , and that the worker involved might receive some form of compensation .
17 On May 17 , 1989 , Iran formally applied for the aircraft compensation case to be referred to the International Court of Justice ( ICJ ) at The Hague .
18 In the face of continuing Hungarian objections , Meciar was reported to have agreed to consultations involving the European Communities , but only on ecological aspects ; the findings would be referred to the International Court of Justice at The Hague .
19 That there are auxiliary impressions , Lotze points out , ‘ merely explains the possibility of distinguishing impressions made at different places ; but each impression must also be referred to the definite place at which it acts .
20 Annex 1 environmental impact assessments must be referred to the appropriate regulatory agency , such as the National Rivers Authority should it deal with water quality or , especially in this case , the local environmental health office of the city council in respect of water use .
21 The other type of assessment may comply with schedule 2 to the original environmental impact assessment directive from the European Community and it does not have to be referred to the appropriate regulatory agency .
22 Does any member wish to move the subject matter be referred to the appropriate member body ?
23 Does any member who wish to move the subject matter be referred to the appropriate member body ?
24 Changes proposed by a user will be referred to the New OED Computer Group Manager for initial approval .
25 Rosemary , a young mother of two , and Clyde , a former Scots Guardsman , were lucky to be referred to the only NHS clinic which attempts to treat the condition .
26 A loss of travellers cheques should be referred to the issuing bank or travel agent who should be able to refund the loss to the Policyholder .
27 ( 3 ) Very difficult matters may on occasions be referred to the full Panel without a ruling first from the executive .
28 The matter will be referred to the full Panel for a decision .
29 Bills relating to Scotland alone may be referred to the Scottish Grand Committee unless ten members object .
30 This allowed an individual citizen to request that case be referred to the Constitutional Council if he or she felt that fundamental rights were being undermined .
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