Example sentences of "be kill [coord] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Although the teachers ' guide to the curriculum concedes that people who are close to a nuclear blast ‘ probably would be killed or seriously injured ’ , it predicts that people in ‘ fringe ’ areas ‘ have a good chance of surviving it ’ by diving into the fallout shelter and emerging in ‘ a week or two ’ .
2 The fire service say that if the attacks continue sooner or later someone will be killed or seriously injured .
3 As I stood and watched them pass by I wondered how many of them would be killed or seriously wounded by this time tomorrow afternoon .
4 Last year 3,284 were killed or seriously injured , which is down on the figure of 4,302 in 1981 , but a long way from the Department of Transport 's aim of cutting it to below 3,000 .
5 It is evident from Table 27 that over the most recent two years — 1990 and 1991 — there were 2,147 pedestrian casualties of which more than one in four ( 26% ) were killed or seriously injured .
6 I was proud and delighted when Shimi Lovat invited me to join him as piper , and later , on the morning of 6th June , to pipe his 1st Commando Brigade through the surf and on to the Normandy beaches , where so many men were killed or seriously wounded .
7 In the first year it is estimated that the new law saved 200 children from being killed or seriously injured .
8 Pro-democracy groups claimed that hundreds of demonstrators had been killed and secretly buried by the army .
9 Nothing half so terrible had happened to her ; no one she loved had been killed or even hurt .
10 Many children , some as young as five or six , have been killed or badly wounded , some on their way to or from school and kindergarten .
11 As I stood and gazed at the now empty slit trenches , I could n't help a sinking feeling in my stomach as I pictured in my mind those who had occupied the trenches in this orchard , those who had been killed or seriously wounded .
12 Over 70,000 people are killed or seriously injured every year in road accidents alone .
13 When a large number of British nationals are killed or seriously injured in an aircraft crash , ministers have to answer questions from MPs about the event and , of course , ministers look to the government aircraft accidents investigation organisation for information on the subject .
14 The majority of children and elderly people who are killed or seriously injured on Lothian 's roads are pedestrians .
15 It 's only a matter of time before someone is killed or badly injured . ’
16 When the Warboss is killed or badly wounded , the Big'uns who fancy their chances fight each other for the leadership .
17 One in four of these children is killed or seriously injured .
18 Although the riots caused considerable damage and resulted in the arrest of some 90 people , nobody was killed or seriously wounded .
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