Example sentences of "be due to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 One view is that it is the result of government parsimony towards prison staff ; the other is that such staff shortages as occur are due to the arcane system of rigid restrictive practices developed by the Prison Officers ' Association ( POA ) .
2 Without such controls it is not possible to know with certainty whether any changes observed in the product are the results of incompatibility with , or inadequacy of , the package , or are due to the inherent instability of the product .
3 These picture faults are due to the technical compromises which are built into video and television systems .
4 Is it not clear that the welcome improved prospects for an effective United Nations are due to the Soviet Union 's abandonment in the late 1980s of the aim of intimidating western Europe into submission and expanding its power generally ?
5 He posits that some of the changing trends in baseball violence are due to the increased commercialisation of the sport .
6 to get rid of the artificial distinctions which the historical development of the law had drawn between land and movable property — leaving only those distinctions which are due to the natural qualities of these two forms of property ;
7 The oscillations of C are due to the alternating reinforcement and cancellation between unc and unc I think you can see that [ 4 ] is the quantitative version of the statement that to get C the electron must go through both slits .
8 ‘ They are due to the unpredictable nature and power of the bounce of these castles , which is part of their fun .
9 Our thanks are due to the original cast for the creation of these offstage characters .
10 High tides on the opposite side are due to the centrifugal force of the Earth 's rotation .
11 What part of any contraction in the demand for elderly workers has been caused by state action over the setting of pension eligibility terms , and what part has been due to the autonomous decisions of employers , must for the moment remain an open question .
12 This may have been due to the long delays in the submission and execution of spot trades caused by the overloading of the NYSE order routing system .
13 This fall in operative trainees has primarily been due to the reduced demand following the recession in construction activity since the property collapse of 1973 .
14 He also expressed confidence that US aid would be resumed " within a few months " , claiming that the suspension had been due to the disproportionate influence exercised in the US Congress by the extreme right-wing Republican Senator Jesse Helms , but that Helms 's views did not represent those of the administration .
15 In recent years over 60% of postneonatal deaths have been due to the sudden infant death syndrome , giving New Zealand probably the highest death rate from sudden infant death syndrome in the developed world ( 4.0/1000 live births ) .
16 The cause of this is unclear but it could be due to the trophic effect of hypergastrinaemia on the oxyntic mucosa , an effect of smoking , an inherited characteristic , or a combination of these .
17 This must be due to the current lack of understanding of the design process and the risks associated with developing such a system .
18 It could be due to the mild weather that occurred in the autumn when the lambs were conceived , he said .
19 The higher K m and lower Hill coefficient obtained with this assay may be due to the hydrophobic nature of this dye and its interaction with the phospholipids and/or channel .
20 O. opercularis can be distinguished from O. bairdi by the disk bearing only low granules , the shape of the oral shield which is more rounded , the shape of the proximal oral papillae which are more rounded than those of O. bairdi , finally the tentacle pore is smaller — although this may be due to the small size of the specimen .
21 This may be due to the poor quality of the preaching or it may be due to the fact that some Christians have their own interpretation of the dominical saying , ‘ Except ye be as little children ye can not enter the kingdom of heaven ’ .
22 The success of this greatly appreciated service must in a great measure be due to the pleasant and most helpful personality of the librarian .
23 However , the analyst should be aware that variances between the model and a particular user 's view could be due to the narrow perception of that user .
24 Of course , they may be due to the stochastic component of the process and therefore be unpredictable , or they may be due to the systematic or predictable component .
25 Of course , they may be due to the stochastic component of the process and therefore be unpredictable , or they may be due to the systematic or predictable component .
26 This was considered to be due to the limited involvement of the officers and the clerical assistant in certain parts of the analysis .
27 This may be due to the economic climate , but also the harsh reality of trying to justify fee increases to clients whose perception of the audit service has not changed .
28 While this seems to be reading more into Quinn 's analysis than is justified , work by Mintzberg ( 1978 ) , Miller and Friesen ( 1982 ) , and Pettigrew ( 1985a , 1985b ) , supports the notion of incrementalism , but in a form of uneven development with long-term gradual change punctuated by bursts of ‘ revolutionary ’ change which may be due to the economic environment , management change or other factors usually , but not necessarily , associated with commercial crisis .
29 This may be due to parental management techniques but may also be due to the temperamental state of the child .
30 This is believed to be due to the complex organization of their centre-surround mechanisms .
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