Example sentences of "be secretary [prep] [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 Molesworth 's chairmanship of the Select Committee on the Downing Street Public Offices Bill must have been one of his last acts as First Commissioner of Works , as on 21st July , 1855 , Palmerston promoted him to be Secretary of State for the Colonies , and appointed the President of the Board of Health , Sir Benjamin Hall ( 1802–67 ) , in his place .
2 I have continuously taken the view during the time that I have held my present office that it is a great privilege to be Secretary of State for Northern Ireland .
3 WHO would be Secretary of State for Employment ?
4 In reply to the hon. Gentleman 's comment about the Government 's policy since 1985 , I should make the point that I have been Secretary of State for two and a half years of that period .
5 Westminster 's station master apparent David Howell ( first class hons in economics at Cambridge , who happens to represent commuter Guildford as well as being Secretary of State for Transport ) , woke up with a jolt .
6 You were Secretary of State for Energy in –79 were n't you , when the Government was first formed .
7 Under Labour , the best example is Denis Healey who was Secretary of State for Defence from 1964 to 1970 and then Chancellor of the Exchequer from 1974 to 1979 .
8 That was to read oddly ten years later when Crosland was Secretary of State for Education and Science .
9 He pinpoints the beginnings of the contemporary resurgence of this theme as Sir Keith Joseph 's speech to the pre-School Playgroups Association on 29 June 1972 , when he was Secretary of State for Social Services .
10 BACK in 1975 , when Reg Prentice was Secretary of State for Education and Science ( remember ? ) ,
11 Who was secretary of state for trade in Mrs Thatcher 's first Cabinet ?
12 LEGA emphasised the need for an objective appraisal of a prospective co-operative 's commercial prospects : and was critical of the attempt made on Mr Anthony Wedgwood Benn 's insistence when he was Secretary of State for Trade and Industry , to rescue the Scottish Daily News , Kirkby Manufacturing and Engineering Ltd ( KME ) , and Meriden ; and to make the co-operative form the instrument of rescue .
13 When I was Secretary of State for Trade and Industry most of those Departments were in London .
14 Lord Ennals was Secretary of State for Social Services from 1976–86 , and Opposition Spokesperson on Health in the House of Lords from 1986–91 .
15 Given the comments of the right hon. Member for Bath ( Mr. Patten ) , when he was Secretary of State for the Environment , that national parks were the jewels in the crown , does the Minister not think it fair that that should apply to the entire United Kingdom , not least to my constituency which contains Loch Lomond which is facing ecological disaster as a result of the political intransigence of the blockheads in the Scottish Office in Edinburgh ?
16 When Mr. Millan was Secretary of State for Scotland he administered them in exactly the same way as that for which he criticises us .
17 I observed the way in which the Commissioner concerned applied the rules when he was Secretary of State for Scotland .
18 When I was Secretary of State for Education and Science I recall being concerned about the implications of some methods of teaching reading if they are followed too acutely — in other words , without a balance of reading methods .
19 If anyone needs to be convinced about the need to release the money for grants , it is the hon. Gentleman 's right hon. Friend , Commissioner Millan , who is now attacking the additionality rules that he defended when he was Secretary of State for Scotland .
20 It is 20 years since the previous Prime Minister , when she was Secretary of State for Education , promised universal nursery education for all three to five-year-olds whose parents desired it .
21 The Secretary of State for Education and Science sits on the Treasury Bench , treating us over this Bill just as he did when he was Secretary of State for Health .
22 erm I think two people have had tremendous problems and again must have been going up and down St Aldate 's , because they were very busy officials , was Edward Hyde , who later became Earl of Clarendon and wrote his story of the war , again of course from the Royalist point of view , and his great friend , Lord Falkland , who was Secretary of State for the King , and became so upset and worried by the rash policies of the Queen 's party and the general atmosphere of intrigue , and by the war itself , that he does seem to have more or less committed suicide at the battle of Newbury , by riding ahead of his troops into the enemy .
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