Example sentences of "be difficult for [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 All eyes turned towards Rayne , who smiled apologetically and said , yes , that he had asked Vokins to bid on his behalf as he himself would be conducting the auction and it would clearly be difficult for him to put in bids and be auctioneer at the same time .
2 It will be difficult for him to enforce his writ in the far-flung reaches of the country .
3 Whatever formal characteristics Lyons might attribute to English in theory , in practice it would be difficult for him to sustain the claim that ‘ it is possible to address someone or talk about someone in English without indicating one 's relative social status or attitude ’ .
4 He refused to send his horses to be shod at our smithy after that ; for once the smith 's verdict got around it would be difficult for him to sell the mare .
5 The seller can give his instructions to the person in actual possession of the goods , but it may be difficult for him to discover who that is , if , for example , the goods are on the railways .
6 The set of retroflex consonants in Tamil will also require special drilling for the English speaker , and the dental consonants will be difficult for him to hear as being different from his own alveolar consonants .
7 And McCall , the driving force in Rangers ' 2–1 European Cup win at Elland Road , said : ‘ Leeds have great character and ability and I hope they go on to do well this season , but it will be difficult for them to pick themselves up from this .
8 If Andrew Morton , the paparazzi , the Press and the public were to take a similar interest in your marriage or mine , I 'm sure it would n't be difficult for them to pinpoint dramatic cracks in our relationships .
9 What all this suggests is that people themselves may anticipate that a particular type of credit would be difficult for them to arrange , and therefore simply do not apply for it .
10 The Republic blitzed us , but it will be difficult for them to put on that type of performance in Italy . ’
11 If they do not have such a grounding , it will be difficult for them to pursue more advanced studies subsequently , especially in ‘ vertebrate ’ subjects such as mathematics and science ; also , a merely partial or incomplete exposure to such forms of knowledge sells them short in terms of human thought , indeed of the very concept of mind .
12 It would n't be difficult for them to make him talk . ’
13 Now they may have their own reasons for that and it may be difficult for them to send someone at this precise moment , but I do n't think that they 're necessarily geared up to dealing with the sorts of things that you want them to deal with .
14 First , it may be difficult for them to relinquish the closeness and identification with their twin in favour of a marriage partner .
15 It must be difficult for them to understand when the way that we use ‘ big ’ is so confusing .
16 Out of the places which I have mentioned , it would be difficult for me to choose my favourite destination and my worst destination .
17 As further children arrive the mother will more and more be taken up with their care and their needs in general ; it may be difficult for her to strike a balance of attention to offspring and husband which will satisfy the needs of all including her own .
18 Social workers ' tendency to co-opt her into the professional team will be difficult for her to handle .
19 Small blame to him , of course ; it would be difficult for anyone to believe it .
20 It is in the nature of the phenomenon of deviance that it will be difficult for anyone to study both sides of the process and accurately capture the perspectives of both classes of participants , rule-breakers and rule-enforcers .
21 Then if the puppy strays it will not be difficult for anyone finding it to trace you and return your pet .
22 It may be difficult for you to do any more than this if your time with the video machine is very limited , and the only materials you have are non-ELT programmes .
23 ‘ Alas , ’ El-Gharbi commiserated , ‘ then it may be difficult for you to find the price my information commands in the market . ’
24 So it 's a very great honour and privilege for me to address you today because at the end it may be difficult for you to understand but when I return to South Africa , and forgive me for speaking personally I also realize the full meaning of the support of British trade unions and the labour movement and the churches because it was because of your political material and particularly in the case of the G M B , financial and material support that it gave us the means to do what some of us wanted to do about our country and our situation , and bring about change if we could peacefully .
25 It may be difficult for you to make instantaneous response to what is said .
26 Erm I would have thought and it 's a personal immediate reaction at this stage , it would be difficult for you to come to a conclusion on the appropriate district location .
27 and you sort of say , do you think it would be useful if we talked about reception because that 's something y you 're not doing quite as frequently but it 's obviously , it must be difficult for you to fit in to that because you 're not doing it all the time .
28 It would be difficult for 'er to get back'ards and for'ards , and she were on her own all the time .
29 Clearly the phrase can mean anything one likes : it would be difficult for anybody to refuse to sign up to such a worthy aim as international understanding .
30 It would be difficult for us to fund it on our own ’ .
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