Example sentences of "be require [to-vb] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 In 303 a Christian named Copres from the Nile valley , engaged in a lawsuit over property , went to Alexandria to present his case and was disconcerted to discover that he would be required to participate in some act of idolatry , such as a sacrifice or an oath by the emperor 's genius , as a condition of litigation .
2 It had been pulling the small cart through backstreets for years now and seemed to know instinctively that it would probably be required to stop at any moment , so there was no point in hurrying .
3 1.1 You are employed in the service of the Council initially at … but following consultation and mutual agreement with the appropriate trade union you may be required to service at another of the Council 's establishments .
4 Accountants Accountants will normally be required to report on any profit or working capital forecasts as well as to advise on the taxation consequences of the offer , accounting for the takeover and the financing of the bid .
5 So whichever sort of practice you 're going into , you may at some point be required to advocate in some sort of court setting .
6 A person who is considered by the senior invigilator to be disruptive during an examination may be required to withdraw from that examination .
7 If non-farming activities reach the VAT registration threshold , farmers will be required to register for all their activities , farming and non-farming , and will not be able to carry on as flat rate farmers .
8 The former , however , may not be required to comply with all the requirements of local law where this would place unreasonable burdens on a company from another member state and where the public interest is adequately safeguarded in the member state of establishment .
9 But on the basis that ‘ there has to be a snag ’ , those who have n't taken much interest in the dietary fibre health factor to date may well become a little alarmed about what type of foods they will be required to eat on this diet .
10 The National Industrial Relations Court held that Mr Claydon was not , in fact , redundant as , under the terms of his contract , he could be required to work at any of the Authority 's establishments .
11 The relief sought by the applicant was , inter alia , ( 1 ) an order of certiorari to quash the section 2(2) notice dated 24 June 1991 issued by the Director ; and ( 2 ) an order prohibiting her from requiring or further requiring him to attend and comply with the requirements of a notice issued pursuant to section 2 of the Act of 1987 without ( a ) affording him a reasonable opportunity for his application for legal aid to be processed and thereby affording him the opportunity to be legally advised on such requirements and to be legally represented at such time as he was required to comply with them and ( b ) causing him to be cautioned in accordance with Code C , paragraph 16.5 before being required to comply with those requirements .
12 A full factor group analysis of the motions of the entire cell is required to account for these , and we do not go into this process here .
13 ( 3 ) The losses against which a recognised body is required to insure under this Rule are all losses arising from claims in respect of civil liability incurred in the practice of the recognised body by the recognised body or by any of its officers or employees or former officers or employees or by any solicitor or registered foreign lawyer who is or was a consultant to or associate in the body 's practice or is or was working in the practice as an agent or a locum tenens ; save that a recognised body shall not be required to insure against losses arising from claims of a type excluded , by the indemnity rules applicable from time to time to recognised bodies , from being afforded indemnity by the Solicitors Indemnity Fund .
14 ( 5 ) A recognised body which is required to insure under this Rule shall each twelve months after recognition is granted to it under these Rules , or at any other time when so required by the Council , submit to the Council evidence of compliance with this Rule .
15 Whenever the professor is engaged in research work within the University being research work which is funded in whole or in part by an outside body on terms that any invention , know-how , copyright or information arising in the course of such work shall be patented , dealt with or otherwise used or exploited in such manner as the outside body may direct , any such invention , know-how , copyright or information shall be subject to the terms of the agreement with the outside body and the professor is required to comply with all obligations including those of confidentiality imposed by that agreement .
16 If exclusion is to be permanent , the LEA 's decision on whether to order the pupil 's reinstatement is binding on the head teacher , although the governors may appeal against an LEA 's refusal to reinstate a permanently excluded pupil , using the same machinery which the LEA is required to establish for such appeals by parents ( and pupils if aged 18 or over ) .
17 And schools are required to co-operate with each other in some respects , whilst below the surface competing like mad for pupils .
18 Departmental objectives are required to harmonize with these .
19 Users are required to adhere to all legal requirements , contractual licences and agreements approved by the Senate , the Educational Services Policy and Planning Committee , the Computer Policy and Planning Committee or the Director of Computer Services in relation to the protection of data , software and network access or usage .
20 Mere faith in an idea can only sustain it for a limited time especially when others are required to act upon that faith .
21 Given the complexities of some of the procedures which police officers are required to operate under this legislation , it is not surprising to find that the Metropolitan Police , and no doubt many other forces as well , have issued a set of elaborate and detailed instructions which indicate to an officer precisely how he is to proceed in any one of the many contingencies that may arise and which are designed to ensure that he acts in accordance with the statute as interpreted by the courts .
22 In order for an exchange to become a recognised investment exchange , it must demonstrate to the SIB that , inter alia : ( a ) it has financial resources sufficient for the proper performance of its functions ; ( b ) that it has rules and practices which ensure that business conducted by means of its facilities is conducted in an orderly manner , affording proper protection to investors ; ( c ) it limits dealings on the exchange to investments in which there is a proper market ; ( d ) where relevant , issuers of investments dealt in on the exchange are required to comply with such obligations as will , so far as possible , afford to persons dealing in the investments proper information for determining their current value ; ( e ) it has its own arrangements for ensuring performance of transactions effected on the exchange or ensures their performance by means of services provided under clearing arrangements made by it with a recognised clearing house ; ( f ) it has ( or secures the provision on its behalf of ) satisfactory arrangements for recording the transaction effected on the exchange ; ( g ) it has adequate arrangements and resources for the effective monitoring and enforcement of compliance with its rules and any clearing arrangements made by it ; ( h ) it has effective arrangements for the investigation of complaints in respect of business transacted by means of its facilities ; and ( i ) it is able and willing to promote and maintain high standards of integrity and fair dealing in the carrying on of investment business and to co-operate by the sharing of information and otherwise with regulators .
23 Volunteers are required to assist with all sections of sales and distribution — newstrade , subscriptions and bookshops .
24 At the end of this adaptation phase , the subjects withdrew their hand , the metre rule was replaced , and the subjects were retested under the experimental conditions in the order B , C , A. Under each condition , both before and after the adaptation phase , the subject was required to point at each of the four targets five times with the order in which they were required to point to the targets randomised so that the subjects did not become practised by repeated measurements in the same position .
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