Example sentences of "be suggest that it [be] " in BNC.

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1 Various other studies have , however , attempted to do this ; the usual technique has been to suggest that it is a particular psychological characteristic that is inherited and which leads ‘ naturally ’ to crime .
2 I 'm not telling every woman to take me H R T , I 'm suggesting that it 's preventative medicine .
3 With that few number named , one reaction might be to suggest that it is not an area where there needs to be much concern raised .
4 It might be suggested that it is only through the presence of the frame that we recognize the work of art for what it is , perceiving it and responding to it in the appropriate way .
5 It can also be suggested that it was contradicted by another case heard shortly afterwards but which concerned homeworkers not casual workers ( the " Gardiner and Taverna case " ) which was resolved very differently .
6 I think Steve you were you were suggesting that it was only the G three T one .
7 The importance of this approach is to suggest that it is perceptions that are important and depending on how the management views the worker then a different style of management will develop and a different set of relationships between the management and the workforce will exist .
8 It is suggested that it is helpful not to emphasise the problem or disability , as some old people are reluctant to face their inability to continue to cope independently .
9 It is suggested that it is unsatisfactory to allow the rent to be fixed in reliance on assertions made by the parties which can not be challenged by cross examination , and where the expert is not to be given an opportunity of seeing and evaluating the quality of the witnesses .
10 It is suggested that it be assumed that there will be a need for an interpreter at public meetings , and that this is planned for .
11 It is suggested that it was the great grain stores of the early Egyptian civilization that attracted the local wild cats .
12 It is suggested that it was derived from the hauling of boats along the river and that it was from this place that manual hauling of boats along a tow path began , but in all fairness I think this can be discounted .
13 Schroeder however does appear to equate unreasonableness with oppression but it is suggested that it was not laying down any principle to that effect : it so happened that on the facts in that case unreasonableness and oppression both existed .
14 It has even been suggested that it is possible to use inimical remedies with impunity although I have n't actively set out to prove or disprove this .
15 Why ‘ Nicky Nan Night ’ is not known : it has been suggested that it is associated with ‘ Old Nick ’ , the Devil , and with the slang word ‘ nick ’ , to steal .
16 As it occurs only in the males it has been suggested that it is somehow employed in male-to-male rivalry .
17 It has been suggested that it is tempting to conceive of morality as a guide to human conduct .
18 Indeed , it has been suggested that it is here that the ‘ site ’ of psychosis lies ; not in a strictly anatomical sense but as a functional property , determining the way the corpus callosum modulates the flow of information between the hemispheres .
19 More precisely , in linguistic terms , it has been suggested that it is not as straightforward as Lyons implies to attribute the possibility of ‘ neutrality ’ to English grammar ; some aspects , such as pronoun usage , are more context-dependent than he allows .
20 It has been suggested that it is a ‘ soft ’ provision imposing a moral or exhortatory obligation upon signatory States and is not normative .
21 Equally , it has been suggested that it is precisely the growing awareness amongst CMHTs themselves that they are only a partial solution to the problems of inter-professional collaboration which is leading them to specify more precisely their objectives and responsibilities .
22 Alternatively it has been suggested that it is not so much the school effect which is important as the curriculum which is followed .
23 The Kerry has an unusually long history as a specialist dairy breed and it has been suggested that it was being bred for milk production in early Irish Celtic times when , it is thought , milk formed a major part of the people 's diet , either fresh or preserved in various ways .
24 It includes Conwy and Caernarfon , whose castles were only begun in 1283 and not finished until 1292 , and it has therefore been suggested that it was made over a period of years .
25 A Baroque façade was added in the seventeenth-century but much of this was lost when it was suggested that it was shadowing the more important church of Santa Maria beside it .
26 Initially it was suggested that it was impossible , and that quasars were in fact relatively nearby objects , their large speeds of retreat arising because , perhaps , they were being spat out by our Galaxy in some unknown way .
27 He said that in 1975 we had a referendum in which it was suggested that it was an economic and trade rather than a political matter .
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