Example sentences of "be consider [prep] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Until recently women have been considered to be at low risk from HIV and AIDS , and attention has been focussed on so-called high risk groups .
2 Mortgages for home-buying are considered to be outside our terms of reference .
3 The Child Protection Register provides a central record of all children in a given area who have been identified as abused , or who are considered to be at risk of abuse , and who therefore are currently the subject of an interagency plan to protect them .
4 The rocks primarily consist of unfossiliferous conglomerates the age of which is not known with certainty , other than being post-Caledonian , but they are considered to be of probable Trias age .
5 The companies act and the act on the stock exchange are considered to be of primary importance for the creation of a free market economy .
6 Similarly other features such as the Behaviour Modification System are considered to be of little value .
7 But when discovered it was assigned by its excavators to the late-third or early-fourth century ( Britannia VIII ( 1977 ) , 413 ) : a dating subsequently accepted by Neal ( 1981 , no. 63 ) and Swain and Ling ( Britannia XII ( 1981 ) , 168 : where the wall paintings from the same room as the mosaic are considered to be of late-third/early-fourth century date ) .
8 Lemurs are considered to be amongst the more primitive of the primates .
9 Britain 's 1967 Abortion Act does not apply to Northern Ireland , where abortions are illegal except where the mother 's life is threatened or her physical and mental health are considered to be in grave danger .
10 These advantages can not , however , be considered to be worth while unless they can be shown to lead to better glycaemic control or a reduction of long term complications of diabetes , or both .
11 A family member who did not react to the craziness of Chemical Dependency or other addictive disease would be a very strange , unreactive , person who might well be considered to be at least odd if not ill or crazy himself or herself for not reacting .
12 The potential threat of the conveyance to the wife and new husband being put aside if the sale to the new husband could be considered to be at an undervalue must be borne in mind ( see p5 and Insolvency Act 1986 , s339 ) .
13 Despite the recent debate on VDU health hazards , which has raged furiously on both sides of the Atlantic , Cox report that ‘ there are no radiation levels that could be considered to be of concern to the normal individual ’ ( Displays Technology and Applications , vol 4 , p 7 ) .
14 ( The adult readers might like to list those books , and other reading matter , for which they have a particular affection or which they feel have made a contribution to their lives , and then check to see how many of them would be considered to be of the highest literary worth . )
15 We are not responsible for any additional measures which could be considered to be of a preventative nature for the future .
16 The occupier of a private house ( but not the owner of a house who had never entered into possession of it ) would probably be considered to be in possession of anything placed or left in it — at any rate unless it was concealed — while the occupier of a shop has been held not to be in possession of a thing dropped in a part of the shop to which the public had access .
17 He replied that since the words put forward related to the past the later debts ought not to be considered to be in the legacy .
18 Money made from theft is not taxable , an Ontario court has decided , unless the thief steals on a regular basis and therefore can be considered to be in ‘ business ’ .
19 Nonetheless , the original concept of driving a flight simulator by the flight data recorder can now be considered to be in its first stage of development .
20 The mining town at Charterhouse on the Mendips may be considered to be in a special category of its own , the sporadic nature of its growth has been demonstrated by Professor G. D. B. Jones through air reconnaissance and ground survey .
21 Where no thought was given to the safety of the property and no real precautions were taken to prevent loss the Insured would be considered to be in breach of the duty of care .
22 Where no thought was given to the safety of the property and no real precautions taken to prevent the loss the Insured would be considered to be in breach of the duty of care .
23 If the information is commonplace or is common knowledge to a group of persons ( for example , it is well known to computer programmers ) or to the public at large , it can not be confidential ; instead , it will be considered to be in the public domain .
24 While narrowing the old section 2 , the act is unlikely to give protection to a " whistleblower " who felt that the public should be told certain information as any defence depends on disclosure being considered to be in the public interest and that would still seem to mean " the interests of the state according to its recognised organs of government and the policies expounded by the particular government of the day " per McCowan I. in Ponting 's case .
25 In all six companies the corporate planning department formulated a list of environmental issues which were considered to be of key importance to the company as a whole .
26 In two patients with a history of single events these were considered to be of respiratory origin .
27 and hinted that it would probably be a good idea if the Rector of St. Mary 's , the Vicar of St. Peter 's , and Mr. John Meridyth ( another Grammar School Visitor from the 1850s ) , who were considered to be at the root of the trouble , were not appointed Trustees .
28 However , since representations of satyrs are often given negroid features , there is a suggestion that negroes were considered to be in some sense monstrous .
29 A year of unhealthy life is considered to be worth less than 1 : the value is lower if the quality of life of the unhealthy person is worse .
30 Employment law provides employees with a range of rights including the right not to be unfairly dismissed , the right not to be subject to discrimination on the grounds of race or sex , and the right for women to receive the same pay as men if employed to do the same work or if the work is considered to be of equal value .
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