Example sentences of "be sort [prep] [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I think you 're sort of drawing drawing their attention to the public concern over that sort of phrase .
2 So there will be quite a rainforest theme to May 7th , which is where we 're sort of hoping to launch everything , and start selling tickets for the events , things like that .
3 and they 're sort of chatting saying , well , you know , I 'm an American they were trying to chat us
4 I mean the bas if you 're sort of wanting to take any holiday or time
5 Specially when the instructors come over and they 're sort of sitting watching as well .
6 Right , Harold 's been sort of trying to have a look at it all week long , but he 's , he has n't really got time .
7 Because very often on courses we find that people have been sort of nominated to go on courses , and quite honestly they do n't actually want to be there and they 're looking at their watch and as soon as they can get away that , that 's better .
8 Yes , yes , he , he sticks this out , but other people are sort of beginning to challenge him and say that , you know this is n't necessarily the case .
9 of which she sort of goes into every door , every door in Strathclyde , what a horrible thought , but in fact you know I thought maybe try and do something there , although I do n't always get on greatly well with , with the press and publicity people and the women in press and publicity are , are sort of start phrasing
10 They 've seen lots of fashions come and go , so they 're suspicious of microcomputers in many ways and the changes are happening so fast , I think many are sort of waiting to see what 's going to happen before they commit themselves .
11 erm right I 'm new to the area and I 'm sort of wanting to move into the Garden City
12 Alan , I 'm sorry if I 'm sort of trying to put you at the end and continue and I I do n't intend it like that .
13 You seem to be sort of trying to encourage a guilt complex by this , this idea put forward by the conservatives , which is not the case , people should not feel guilty in trying to do the benefit that they can to benefit the people of Wiltshire .
14 There we were sort of trying to find out how many men .
15 I mean holiday prices were , were sort of scheduled to go up this year compared to last year 's , probably sort of eight , nine , ten per cent .
16 I mean you 've co I mean a long , you know not that long ago , you were sort of tending to put it off a lot .
17 Yeah , I know but it 's just when she 's sort of having to sit down all the time .
18 I was sort of trying to figure out a way to weasel out of re-releasing it . ’
19 Well Tony Primmer 's an Australian and has been riding at Eastbourne and we were looking at him prior to this erm sort of amalgamation that came in because erm with our friendship with Bob Dugard , and looking for younger riders , he was sort of earmarked to come here at some stage .
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