Example sentences of "be pay [prep] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 He would clearly have preferred to be talking to Fiona on his other side , but the award was having to be paid for with politeness .
2 For example , Israel has since 1967 followed the general rule that all government purchases — including , of course , arms — should be paid for by offsets .
3 This may be a little exaggerated , but it makes the point quite nicely that the commodity position of British trade recovered strikingly well after 1945 — essential imports could readily be paid for by exports plus the American loan remarkably quickly after the war 's end .
4 Everything was to be paid for by gifts and private donations .
5 So , for example , moves were made to turn revenue spending ( i.e. which had to be paid for out of current income — grants , fees , charges and rates ) into capital spending ( i.e. which could be paid for from loans raised from banks and other financial institutions ) .
6 Solidarity factory commissions in the Gdansk shipyard and repair yards had demanded on July 3 that one-third of shares should go to the workforce ( to be paid for in instalments or with bank credits ) and that part of a share issue be purchased by their union to finance its activities .
7 When Edward I , Langshanks , waged his wars against Wales and Scotland , his armies were paid for by loans from Luccan bankers and when he reneged on the loans , the bankers went bust and Florence became the international financier of the day .
8 His statue was followed in all by 31 more dating from the 17 to the 19C , most of which were paid for by aristocrats , the University and religious orders throughout Bohemia .
9 Our ambulances , First Aid Units , uniforms and even our Vaseline is paid for by donations .
10 Our ambulances , First Aid Units , uniforms and even our Vaseline is paid for by donations .
11 This protection is paid for by chargepayers in areas which would otherwise have charges lower than the average rate bill per adult .
12 The list structure allows other fields within records to be linked ( though this flexibility is paid for in terms of complexity and other overheads ) .
13 So we see that if you have a school that goes up to the ninth grade , the Ministry covers the costs up to the sixth grade but the other years are paid for by parents .
14 However , the majority of this new investment ( 60% ) has been paid for by consumers and not shareholders
15 ITV was paid for by advertisements , carefully regulated by the Independent Broadcasting Authority .
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