Example sentences of "be lay [adv prt] in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Cars had been laid on in advance by Tom Warner 's telegram , and we were soon settled in our respective suites or rooms in the C.P.R. 's palatial Hotel Saskatchewan .
2 According to a TEC person , with his tongue only slightly in his cheek , the razzamatazz had been laid on in attempt to put Andrew Neil at his ease , given his recorded fondness for visiting Tramp , the beautiful person 's London nightclub .
3 His goal , which squared the friendly 1–1 , was all the more remarkable considering he had been laid up in bed with flu for most of last week and forced to miss Sunday 's game against Torino .
4 He said the car had been laid up in storage for 30 years .
5 Pakistan 's main doubt is skipper Javed Miandad who has been laid up in London with a stomach complaint since leading Pakistan to Test victory at the Oval .
6 This denigration assumes , however , that formal equality is only a matter of enforcing the rules , whatever they are , that have been laid down in legislation , in the spirit of conventionalism .
7 These rules have been laid down in RSC Order 38 , rules 20–34 .
8 Although the total retail trading area is unchanged at the period end there are in fact two different underlying elements new footage has been laid down in France but this has been off set by a net reduction in the retail trading area in the U K. The sales per square foot which excludes retail sales and is based on the waiting average trading area shows an increase of seven point two percent A low margin of fifty five point six per cent was down from fifty eight point five per cent in the same period last this , this was mainly due to a drop in in-house manufacturing participation and adverse exchange rates .
9 Strips of old carpet had been laid down in rows , like pews .
10 Rates of pay for care proceedings are laid down in Schedule 1 to the Legal Aid in Family Proceedings ( Remuneration ) Regulations 1991 .
11 This process is called a Proving of the remedy and strict criteria are laid down in order to ensure that the true action of the remedy is brought out and not any interferences from other sources .
12 Any pads or tracks which are laid down in error can often be removed by laying some sticky tape over the offending area , and pulling away sharply .
13 In English law the doctrine of provocation has two main elements , both of which are laid down in section 3 of the Homicide Act 1957 .
14 These houses are laid out in terraces on the hillside with porticoes and colonnaded peristyles .
15 The criteria for distinguishing between the three are laid out in Table 4.1 .
16 The main sources are laid out in Brian Baumfield 's chapter in the Manual of library economy , and there are also various listings of bibliographies , of which the sections in Walford 's Guide to reference material are particularly well known .
17 This is relevant when considering the provisions of s 83 ) of the Fire Prevention ( Metropolis ) Act 1774 , by which either party has the right to require insurance monies to be laid out in reinstatement ( if a request is made to the insurance company before the monies are paid to the insured ) as it seems that the Act does not apply to insurance through Lloyds .
18 This was to be laid out in 3% consols in the names of the Trustees , and a general increase of their subscriptions was recommended to the subscribers .
19 Type such notes on one side of the paper and limit them to three or four sheets which can be laid out in front of you and not moved during the programme .
20 Accounts must follow a format that will be laid down in regulations due to come into force in September 1993 .
21 It is the sort of knowledge that may be laid down in rules and can be learned from books .
22 Although the passages to which I first referred support the conclusion reached by Hoffmann J. as to the effect of the judgment of the Court of Appeal , I do not think that reading the judgment overall such a limitation to ‘ reconstituting the company 's knowledge ’ was intended to be laid down in Cloverbay .
23 Most of those affected managed to avoid closing down state government and making their employees redundant by drawing on their reserves , although 10,000 non-essential state employees were laid off in Maine and 20,000 in Connecticut as state government was temporarily reduced to health and safety functions only .
24 This early style of classical dance displayed the talents of each particular performer , therefore many rules were laid down in order to achieve perfection of movement .
25 The conditions in which an independent counsel ( special prosecutor ) would be appointed were laid down in legislation passed after the Watergate scandal .
26 The flitches — that 's the hams — were laid down in salt and saltpetre to cure , then hung up on hooks .
27 This issue was first raised as early as 1941 , and by 1943–4 had become a subject of major concern for the British government , aware that unless rules were laid down in advance , the United States would use its enormous wealth , undamaged industrial capability , and the advantages obtained during the war years to drive Britain and other countries off the international air routes .
28 The Saturday morning market in the yard was taken from the pattern of the street market , where the clothes were laid out in heaps on the ground with a decent garment on the top of each pile to tempt the passer-by to look further .
29 It seems to me that an awful lot of the voluntary sector does come from very much the individualist side of the equation which you were laying out in front of us Chris .
30 I do not think that any hard and fast rule is laid down in Chamberlain 's case .
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