Example sentences of "be no [noun sg] [prep] saying " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 ‘ Consider yourself forgiven , ’ she said , knowing from experience that there would be no point in saying otherwise .
2 That class qualifies as a species because all the members will breed with other members of the class , but not with plants from outside the class ; but there would be no justification for saying that the class also represented a genus and a family , if the larger taxonomy of which it forms part did not exhibit branching at these levels .
3 But the fact that the coin caused the mechanism to operate is no reason for saying that the coin caused the bar to come out .
4 There is no authority for saying that the court applies any other rules other than those of contract law when assessing whether an expert 's decision shall stand .
5 It is sometimes possible to find a few rare or special examples of an artist 's work that dealers have sold at rising prices , but this is no basis for saying prices for that artist 's work in general have risen .
6 ‘ If you part from a lover there is no point in saying goodbye and then seeing him every day , ’ she said .
7 There is no shame in saying , ‘ I do n't know but I 'll try to find out ’ , provided that you do ‘ try and find out ’ and report back .
8 That 's alright , play with it , there 's no point in saying anything to them Bev it 's now got to be proven and I say , if I can get it done and I can get it sent off , then they will point me in the right direction wo n't they ?
9 There was no question of saying to myself ‘ better luck next time ’ — there might not have been a next time .
10 There was no point in saying they were nothing to do with me , because I 'd got so many — just over a hundred charges of fraud and deception .
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