Example sentences of "be make responsible for [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Prosecutions for offences defined under the Merchant Shipping Acts had almost uniformly failed , and shipowners had escaped altogether from the provisions of the Employers ' Liability Act 1880 in which employers had been made responsible for insuring employees against the risks of their calling .
2 He left open the possibility that Girobank , recently privatised , could be made responsible for collecting repayments and chasing defaulters , the number of whom could rise significantly above the Government 's current estimates .
3 Each user should be made responsible for checking any SSRs generated for their project and should only submit an SSR once they are satisfied that it correctly and adequately reports the status of an area of software .
4 A national system of appraisal might also encourage the teacher unions to unite in a demand for the establishment of a Teachers ' Council which could be made responsible for regulating entry to teaching and for establishing a code of conduct ( particularly important when teachers are able , in appraisal schemes , to judge their colleagues ) .
5 In the interests of maintaining " fair competition " between public and private providers and the efficient use of capital , a system of capital charges was introduced into the NHS for the first time , and all hospitals were made responsible for meeting the interest and depreciation costs of their existing assets and new investment .
6 William Berkeley , William Ovedale and Roger Kelsale were made responsible for victualling the ships , and were also authorized to receive all those prepared to make their peace with the new regime except Woodville himself , Dorset ( the only indication that he might have joined his uncle ) and Robert Ratcliffe , a former associate of Rivers at Calais .
7 William Berkeley , William Ovedale and Roger Kelsale were made responsible for victualling the ships , and were also authorized to receive all those prepared to make their peace with the new regime except Woodville himself , Dorset ( the only indication that he might have joined his uncle ) and Robert Ratcliffe , a former associate of Rivers at Calais .
8 The courts and tribunals were made responsible for ensuring the smooth running of electoral campaigns and equal treatment of candidates .
9 In 1325 escheators were made responsible for keeping duplicates of inquisitions of diem clausit and of returns to chancery ; in 1326 a calendar of Contrariant lands was begun , a roll of serjeanties in various counties compiled and further auditors were appointed .
10 There have also been symbolic measures ( such as restoring pay beds in NHS facilities ) , minor cuts ( such as withdrawal of supplementary benefits in vacations for students ) , some marginal privatization ( from 1986 employers were made responsible for paying sickness benefit for the first 28 weeks of an employee 's absence from work ) , tougher criteria ( people have to be ‘ actually seeking work ’ to be entitled to receive unemployment benefit and since 1 988 housing benefit is paid to fewer households ) , and an increase in the numbers relying on private medical insurance ( from 4 to 8 per cent since 1979 ) .
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