Example sentences of "be go round [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ These stories have been going round for a long time , and they grow with the telling . ’
2 ‘ You had better get yourself into the washhouse and clean yourself up , ’ she said , ‘ I am going round to the Post Office and let Sid Watkins know . ’
3 ‘ We are going round to the stage door now , ’ she announced firmly .
4 David Puttnam will be going round with a quiet smile on his face for a few days .
5 I shall be going round with a notebook .
6 He goes out to work , that means he 's going round to the various houses and
7 So Lisa , it 's it 's going round at the moment with a mobile one , but after that it 'll be from the shop .
8 That 's because it 's going round in a circle — like the Shuttle , and me on my space walk .
9 I never told you I just everything 's going round in the room I just had and make the best of it .
10 The biggest crime of all was to go round to the front of house or into the street in ‘ full slap ’ , as stage make-up was called .
11 Her first move was to go round to the various teachers who taught the senior class and borrow from them a number of text-books , books on algebra , geometry , French , English Literature and the like .
12 It is a replacement , we were losing that money erm because the , the water meter was going round at a pound an hour .
13 I was going on with it , all the bumps were okay but when I was actually inside the building again I hung on to GrandPat to get to the steps but my hand slipped so I was going round with the current so I tried to hold on to the orange thing that they had put there but I slipped off that and I kept on going round and the lifeguard gave erm me and somebody else a hoop and we both grabbed onto it
14 Oh Christ , there he was going round in a circle again .
15 And it 's seventy degrees out there in the winter , well I was going round in a T-shirt , they all thought I was mad .
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