Example sentences of "be [v-ing] [prep] [adj] minute " in BNC.

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1 I 'd been walking for 45 minutes when I was hailed by a local farmer who had seen me on the moonlit road .
2 I think really , in terms of news programmes now on , on local radio , we 're , we 're looking at two minutes .
3 So we 're looking at five minutes preparation , fifteen minutes role play , fifteen minutes play back , followed by twenty minutes feedback .
4 ‘ We 're leaving in thirty minutes !
5 Manning Jackson had been fretting for several minutes .
6 Indeed , I recall being present at a formal state banquet in Malawi when the Life President , His Excellency the very elderly Dr Hastings Banda , had been speaking for 45 minutes proposing the toast and had still only reached 1947 .
7 Film shown on Algerian television that same evening recorded that he had been speaking for some minutes .
8 The UK government measures the lead in tapwater that has been running for several minutes , as it would be if you had a bath in it , and not the first few pints or cupfuls , as you would use for cooking or making a cup of tea .
9 Over two hours , this can be wearing for two minutes it 's fine .
10 But at 11.20 pm — just as Highlights from Augusta offer relief from a man repeatedly declaring that the second election result may be coming at any minute — Scotland is being indulged with different fare .
11 ‘ He was told in writing that he was only going to be narrating for five minutes of the video , which is not what happened .
12 ‘ Do we have enough air ? ’ ; through controlling proceedings : ‘ I 'll be talking for ten minutes , with five minutes for questions at the end ’ ; and through acting as guide to the presentation , by commenting on the route , ‘ So that 's my second point .
13 I 'll be leaving in ten minutes .
14 Donald and Elinor had been talking for thirty minutes .
15 In the end , the quacks and medicine men were left with that strange , disembodied feeling you get when you 've been talking for several minutes to someone who is n't there .
16 She had been talking for several minutes about a party she had been to the previous evening .
17 He realised they had been watching for some minutes before he noticed them .
18 Mr McCabe says : ‘ The advice to parents is if a lower school child is struggling after 45 minutes , then do n't let them continue .
19 Testily she said : ‘ The car 's going in five minutes . ’
20 Come on Beverly Hills is starting in two minutes .
21 It 's starting in three minutes .
22 The twins had wandered out of the rectory garden and had been missing for twenty minutes .
23 Quakers breathed a sigh of relief when Fashanu 's right-foot blast took a wicked deflection and floated just past the post when Prudhoe was diving the other way , but he was laughing after 39 minutes when the Darlington defence presented him with the most embarrassing gift of the season .
24 Now duty rosters , trains , all the different trains that have got to be clean you see , and I was putting in ten minutes less than really would be required you see , and that saved er hours you see , saved hours .
25 Holden was missing for 18 minutes and Reid admitted : ‘ We took a calculated gamble by not replacing Rick — and it did not come off . ’
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