Example sentences of "be [vb pp] at [det] stage " in BNC.

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1 Older embryos and more extended cultures benefit from a rotating system and , judging from the experience with rat embryos , the same is probably true for primitive streak stage embryos , although no direct comparison between static and rotating culture systems has been undertaken at this stage in the mouse .
2 The rudimentary organs have not even yet been formed at this stage and the implications support the existence of a guiding field of electromagnetic energy as a responsible agent for the organisation of the cells of the newly forming embryo via the DNA .
3 If all the etch-resist is completely stripped away in a short period of time , then perhaps the whole board has been exposed at some stage to too much UV light .
4 Potentially suitable suppliers are approached at this stage with an invitation to be considered for a supply relationship .
5 The worts are collected in specially designed 20 tonne giant kettles , to ensure a vigorous mixing and boiling with the hops which are added at this stage .
6 Safety , health and environmental protection are considered at each stage .
7 If a dog has been mistreated at any stage , it can be very difficult to win back its confidence completely .
8 The budgets of anticipated income and expenditure which are prepared at this stage are vital if the band are to appreciate the limits of their financial resources .
9 In my judgment , this was an order which ought never to have been made at any stage of the case .
10 Content and methodology are closely linked and both are decided at this stage in the planning .
11 There 's nothing to suggest the crimes are connected at this stage but wqe are keeping an open mind .
12 If nationalized industries previously had bad performances , they would have been worth little had they been sold at that stage .
13 Speaking of young men , erm I have a letter here from Mr John who is our local M P , who is not able to be with us today , but erm he in fact would not of , I think , been born at that stage , but erm he did write to me a little letter I 've got this morning from the House of Commons in London and he asked me to read it out .
14 It is vital that all external constraints are known at this stage , otherwise all the short-listed options may be for bridges when , for environmental reasons or because of the proximity of an airport , only a tunnel is possible .
15 The charcoal-grey cartridge paper had not been introduced at this stage .
16 The typeface , size and style are set before the text is flowed , as are the margins but any or all of these can be altered at any stage .
17 Ideas and opinions about women 's issues and the degree of priority they should be given at this stage vary considerably , but it is more than apparent that there are many who now believe that a new society would be incomplete without changes in women 's position .
18 At p. 700F , the court gave its approval to a shortened version of the direction ( which , in the court 's view , could properly be given at any stage ) .
19 The degree and nature of any interaction between the proposal and existing research programmes would depend totally on the needs of each individual submission made to us by visiting researchers , and can not be foreseen at this stage .
20 In the case of summary proceedings for recovery of land , Ord 24 , r 4 , any person not named as a respondent may apply to be joined at any stage of the proceedings on the question whether an order for possession should be made .
21 Enforcement action can be stopped at any stage by the payment of the amount due .
22 Although marriage is likely to be prescribed at some stage of life as a remedy for all kinds of life problems , the images people have of marriage will be different .
23 The implications for staffing and the use of other resources will also have to be considered at this stage .
24 Significant discrepancies between the two may be resolved at this stage , ie before monitoring is carried out .
25 This issue involves mixed questions of fact and law which can not satisfactorily be resolved at this stage .
26 That may be true , and it might affect the balance of advantage and disadvantage , but it does not need to be resolved at this stage .
27 Yes , I , I think could be approached at this stage .
28 She says the adult birds ca n't be trusted at this stage to hatch the eggs properly .
29 Other elements of the grid , spaces for photographs and illustrations , page numbers and other items that will appear on each page can also be added at this stage .
30 Some variations to the reflections of spars and sails can be added at this stage to enliven the image .
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