Example sentences of "be [vb pp] to some extent " in BNC.

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1 ‘ With the Tottenham Three being acquitted , people feel the problem has been ameliorated to some extent , ’ said a campaigner .
2 The port 's operations are subsidized to some extent by the local authorities but in the main the port is financed by port dues and this had led to a demand that any port land released for development should yield significant port use in order to generate revenue .
3 He accepts that their actions are constrained to some extent by trade unions , workers , managers , and the government of the day ( in the last case particularly if the Conservative Party is not in government ) .
4 Under the new regime for companies this problem has been addressed to some extent .
5 This question has been answered to some extent by a recent paper which showed a significantly higher mortality and morbidity among diabetics discharged solely to primary care in the community compared to those cared for by the hospital diabetic clinic ( Hayes & Harries , 1984 ) .
6 This quantitative approach has been adopted to some extent by at least one local authority as the policy statement below illustrates :
7 There are smaller differences between countries for this variable than for the other dependents , and the overall significant correlations are reflected to some extent in all countries except Japan .
8 In recent years the breed has been exported to some extent to Jamaica , Uganda , Saudi Arabia and Iran but more widely to Canada , the USA and New Zealand .
9 These are buffered to some extent by coral sand and gravel .
10 Notwithstanding these developments , however , even in some European countries the tendency towards decentralisation in collective negotiations has been offset to some extent by cross-currents .
11 The development of sub-degree courses has also been inhibited to some extent because better staffing ratios , more generous accommodation and higher salaries have accrued from teaching full-time degree level students .
12 It should be noted , however , that the spatial impact of scale economies will be ameliorated to some extent if the relevant industry/sector is already integrated to a relatively high level within Europe .
13 How their roles might be enhanced in recognition of the behavioural literature will be examined to some extent in chapter 9 .
14 However , the issues are of central importance and can be simplified to some extent .
15 It was suggested in chapter 3 that social role can be varied to some extent by , for example , manipulating discourse patterns or by creating an acceptable category of identity such as that of ‘ friend of a friend ’ .
16 This can be counteracted to some extent by the addition of materials such as poly-phosphates , which sequester the calcium and magnesium ions , but this is an expensive way of softening water .
17 The nature of this partisan strife , and the precise relationship between Whig , Tory , Country and Court , was bound to be transformed to some extent as a result of the Glorious Revolution .
18 But if the extra-mural department has a budget of the order of £50,000 a year , and a salary bill of the order of £40,000 a year , adult education has got to go on whether so-called voluntary committees want it or not ; and since a good deal of the teaching is done by full-time tutors , even the subjects taught will inevitably be dictated to some extent by the department and not by the voluntary groups .
19 This financial crowding out , as it is called , could be offset to some extent by an increase in the speed at which money circulates — the velocity of circulation .
20 The reduction in one liquid asset ( balances with the Bank of England ) will be offset to some extent by an increase in another liquid asset ( Treasury bills ) .
21 Not more than two adjoining fragments should be stuck at the same time , but for quickness different areas of the same bone can be reconstructed to some extent independently .
22 Dictionaries define one word in terms of others , and this characteristic may be shared to some extent by semantic memory .
23 That said , we must note that in common with so many other innovators , Durkheim 's insights can also be found to some extent in the works of others .
24 Political power may be decentralized to some extent , made more democratic , involve the active participation of larger numbers of people , become less directly coercive , but there seems to be no ground upon which to base a theory of the total ‘ withering away ’ of the state and the whole political sphere .
25 This is a scottish rock band ( every album has to be categorized to some extent in order to sell it ) .
26 This may be caused to some extent by the general abstractness of the language ; but it is also a matter of the kinds of syntactic presentation and complexity that James favours : ( i ) Just as he seems to avoid calling a spade a spade , so James seems to avoid putting first things first .
27 The effects of Muller 's ratchet in the maternal complement in these hybrid offspring may therefore be masked to some extent by wild-type alleles in the paternal complement .
28 The dependence here upon existing stock sizes is an obvious disadvantage , and can be counterbalanced to some extent by allocating on the basis of use — though even this will in part at least reflect existing conditions .
29 When we would expect a feeling to be expressed to some extent by both partners but instead one person is quite overcome with emotion while the other is apparently untouched , we may assume that one carries and expresses the feeling for both .
30 Why had n't she arranged for the house to be sold so that Fabien de Rochefort could at least be repaid to some extent ?
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