Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [prep] a later " in BNC.

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1 The similarity continues if people or animals are examined at a later stage .
2 A bewildering number of configurations are now available ( Sigma Instruments , 1972 ; Cassat , 1977 ) , but in this Chapter discussion is confined to the basic drive circuits and the potential benefits of more sophisticated drives are examined at a later stage ( Chapter 5 ) .
3 Although they are commonest in rocks of the Late Palaeozoic , some Mesozoic plants have been regarded as a later branch of the seed ferns .
4 Remains are scarce as most of the work has been rebuilt at a later date .
5 The statue is late Roman , the head of ( it is assumed ) Archbishop Adelmanno having been added at a later stage in what was believed to have been tenth-century style .
6 The first , having to do with the very nature of the notations , is that some of them have certainly been added at a later date .
7 Some instances of modern statutory liability are considered in a later section of this chapter but a more generalised revival of the Rylands v. Fletcher idea is proposed in two modern law reform proposals .
8 The teaching of study skills should of course obviate the problems that arise in assignments and projects , but generally this provision has been made at a later stage of the pupils ' school career , at the sixth-form level , when a recognized amount of their time is allocated to private study .
9 Certainly this method of drawing has not been seen at a later date , and it would have been difficult to produce this quality and style of work in quantity .
10 Even if the two lists are merged at a later date , the historical traditionally positive attitudes toward the European languages may continue to permeate the philosophy underlying the education system ( including the curriculum and examinations ) .
11 Or alternatively if cash has been allocated for a later purchase of , say , an expected new issue of bonds and the fear is of prices rising , an investor can hedge by buying a future or by acquiring a call option .
12 Valentine Cunningham 's excellent study , British Writers in the Thirties , records that , in prolier-than-thou fashion , Calder-Marshall briefly signed himself Arthur Marshall , and had he continued to do so he would have been overshadowed by a later NSS contributor whose speciality was parodying schoolgirl fiction .
13 Here , the therapist is looking for maladaptive coping strategies which can be altered at a later date in homework assignments .
14 A tenth of those questioned thought that Hitler was the greatest statesman of the century , whose true greatness would only be recognized at a later date , and a further 22 per cent thought that , while he had made ‘ some mistakes ’ he had nevertheless been an excellent head of State .
15 In circumstances which must be explained at a later stage the appeal is before the Board both by leave of the Court of Appeal in Hong Kong and by special leave granted by the Board itself .
16 announced that the appeal would be dismissed for reasons to be given at a later date .
17 The workings of the legal system in 1922 will be examined in a later chapter as one aspect of Bolshevik control over society , and the general extent of crime will be noted .
18 This practice can be justified on the grounds that many narrative pieces , including those related in our extract , were written separately in Germany in 1798–9 ; and so the philosophy can be regarded as a later intrusion .
19 Because this had been stated in the debate , Mr Sproat explained , it had legal standing and could not be overturned at a later date .
20 Some of his lengthy dissertations will be considered in a later chapter ( p. 101 ) ; short critical comments can be included here .
21 Thus a computer architecture and instruction set can be frozen at a later stage in the design process , and can be altered as a result of any inadequacies or improvements .
22 The finer details will have to be added at a later date when experience of operating in a contract culture has been gained .
23 However , it is well worth using in dishes which require the wine to be added at a later stage to give flavouring .
24 The question of records and record-keeping will be addressed in a later section .
25 There was no reason why God should not have reserved opportunities for fresh discoveries to be enjoyed by a later generation .
26 Unfortunately , the group did not define fetal distress , and the increased incidence may have been related to the higher rate of meconium staining of the amniotic fluid in spontaneous labours , which is to be expected at a later gestation .
27 This very important subject of the relationship between evolution and right and wrong , and its inevitable effect on the development of a viable meaning to the word ‘ god ’ , will be pursued in a later chapter .
28 The research is covering six sectors of industry and will be supplemented at a later date by a series of case studies .
29 MAS policy is to recover costs in full in the case of an unreasonable withdrawal ; in the event of failure to sell a small discount below our time costs may be appropriate , particularly if MAS is likely to be reappointed at a later date to have another attempt at the sale .
30 The plans , like those prepared in 1939 , included structural provision for two transepts , near the pulpit , to be built at a later stage , though it now seems unlikely that this will ever happen .
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