Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [prep] [art] higher " in BNC.

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1 Timetables have not yet been adjusted for the higher performance of the Class 158s and the journey time to London remains at about 5 hours .
2 it may have been referred to a higher court .
3 The highly charged politics of national identity that have been occasioned by these developments have been transposed into a higher , shriller key by current concern over the appeal of a wide pan-European disposition tailored to the new range of possibilities that flow from tighter political and economic integration of the European Economic Community .
4 To summarise , again , survey evidence from Appendix 1 , people who had been educated to a higher level , who were more highly paid , or were in a higher social group , seemed more readily able than average to use APR or credit cost information in choosing among loan options .
5 When the mare basins were excavated the fragmentary material beneath them must have been compressed to a higher density than before .
6 Profit margins have generally been squeezed by the higher cost of imports , said Trade Indemnity spokeswoman Barbara Bennett .
7 He had been moved to a higher class , seemed well adjusted and chatted a lot when she worked with him .
8 Unfortunately , the group did not define fetal distress , and the increased incidence may have been related to the higher rate of meconium staining of the amniotic fluid in spontaneous labours , which is to be expected at a later gestation .
9 Where an offer is made to shareholders and shares are sold at a higher price than the original offer , the compulsory bid is deemed to be revised , again ensuring that shareholders are treated equally .
10 ‘ We are preserved for a higher ending .
11 The British legal system is already in a bit of a sorry state but this is only part of the story because we are faced with a creaking Government bureaucracy that has often been shown by the Higher Courts to be acting in an illegal and unfair manner .
12 The new pressures that the situation will place on libraries has already been recognised by the Higher Education Funding Council , which has set up a review committee on libraries .
13 A final decision about segmentation would not be made until at least some words had been integrated into a higher level .
14 Very occasionally , reformers are found in the higher reaches of the system , but in these instances their effectiveness tends to be compromised and their occupancy of top positions short-lived .
15 On this occasion , Anthony d'Offay made one bid of $100,000 but the reserve had been set at a higher level .
16 Secondly , we have little information on the sites at each end of the trackways , since only scatters of flints have been found on the higher , drier , islands and uplands .
17 In some cases , certainly , it is the result of a free choice on the part of individuals , most of whom are concentrated in the higher social classes where financial security , other than through earned income , is common .
18 And , attempts to encourage greater accountability and competition between authorities have tended to flounder because it has been accompanied by a higher degree of centralization and control and a wider gap between the possibilities of locally generated finance and overall levels of spending .
19 Red wines are fermented at a higher temperature than whites to extract colour and tannin from the skins .
20 This difference can not be explained by a higher level of prosecutions for regulatory offences .
21 The CAA SRG input to them will be that a passenger who has paid to be flown , as a passenger , has the right not to be exposed to a higher risk than any other passenger who has paid to be flown .
22 in severe cases the affected fish may be treated at a higher dose 10mg per litre in a separate hospital tank , for five days .
23 It would , Burlatsky suggested , be based upon a wide variety of property forms , including state property which would be developed to the higher level of public ownership of the whole people .
24 Before expanding , arrangements must be made for the higher cash requirements needed to support trading at increased levels .
25 Therefore they need only be made at a higher level of aggregation and should highlight potential peaks and troughs .
26 To a large extent the crops grown vary with altitude — they can be grown to a higher altitude on the warmer , less exposed south side .
27 Allowing for those to be transferred to the higher and further education funding councils , that is equivalent to a cut of almost 50 per cent .
28 Population attributable risks , not adjusted for other factors , estimate the proportion of deaths explained by exposure to the risk factor , and the relative attributable risks estimate the percentage of the excess risk in Maori , compared with non-Maori , which could be attributed to a higher exposure to the risk factor in Maori children .
29 Ships would race to deliver the tea , as the first of the new crop to reach land could be sold for a higher price .
30 If a total of less than 1% of the population is undefined then the errors are unlikely to be great , but the reliability of the moments decreases sharply as the proportions of undefined materials increases , and the technique should not be used with a higher proportion of unknowns notwithstanding the convenience and availability of pocket calculators suitable to perform the arithmetic .
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