Example sentences of "be [adj] enough [prep] any " in BNC.

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1 Coping with life 6,000 miles from home and family in Vancouver would be daunting enough for any girl of Nadia 's age .
2 ‘ … in winter his private balls were numerous enough for any young lady who was not suffering under the insatiable appetite of fifteen . ’
3 There is a certain doubt as to whether the universe is old enough for any Black Dwarfs to have been produced as yet , but eventually it must happen , and this will be the final fate of the Sun — though we will not be there to see ; the Earth can hardly expect to survive the Red Giant stage , when the Sun will radiate at least a hundred times as fiercely as it does at present .
4 The adventurers can climb or slide down , or use a Flight spell ; the landing is soft enough in any event .
5 ‘ It 's audacious enough for any of them , ’ Philpott said , biting the stem of his pipe thoughtfully .
6 Nylon or polyester twist is fine for single line kites up to an area of 3 sq.metres or 30 sq.ft which is big enough for any sport kite .
7 For long-range fishing you can do without the elasticity , for picking up a long length of line and planting a hook is difficult enough without any ‘ give ’ .
8 This would have been bad enough under any circumstances but in this instance the bullet hit the base of some armour plate in the leading edge of the fin which caused it to split .
9 The district was sinister enough at any time ; now , with the feeling that any and every form of menace , from a cut-throat to a coal-hole , might be within inches for all I could tell , my small remaining resource of courage were exhausted within minutes .
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