Example sentences of "be [art] [adj] [noun sg] around " in BNC.

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1 Others — like the squid , which are the chief prey around the Falkland Islands — live for only one year , then reproduce , then die .
2 ‘ A lot of it is a way to deal with stress and the management of stress and cartoons are the perfect way around it .
3 Since 1959 , when the Social Democrats embraced capitalism , German politics has been a large clustering around the centre , with only a few dissenters on the margins .
4 The latter might , originally , have been a four-swastika meander around a central band .
5 Indeed , the local authority must be the key agency around which services are designed if we are to make the best use not only of social services but also of housing , education and leisure facilities .
6 Where such restrictions exist , the setting up of a subsidiary may be the only way around them .
7 Well I suppose probably people li like nursemaids and er and er what they used to call in those days mothers ' helps , who used to sort of be a general skivvy around the house and would look after the children , and , and , and they were the same , they had to be in I think at , at sort of ten o'clock at night .
8 We 've got a rota system and that started at four this morning and is now full for the rest of the day , so there will be a strong presence around the building all day long .
9 Beforehand there will be a historical walk around the city , a street theatre show and an ecumenical service .
10 Probably because for a while he was meant to be a wild child around the Hollywood hills .
11 Next month there 's going to be an international conference around reproductive technologies and genetic engineering specifically to bring together the work that women in India are doing against sterilization abuse and population control with the work the women in the West are doing around genetic experimentation and invitro fertilization and egg farming — some of the anti-women scientific advances .
12 Vasey 's were not the be-all and end-all , she decided , then realised that , with not another word coming from her brother Sebastian , not so much as another postcard , much less a banker 's draft with his share of the mortgage , they were the only firm around that paid the sort of money she was earning .
13 But while a single essay might draw in this way on more than one perspective , it is important to establish which is the primary or organising mode of argument and what is the primary focus around which an essay is based .
14 One of my favourite stretches is the majestic peninsula around St Davids , Wales ' most famous headland .
15 It is not a new idea , and it is the only demand around which all women can unite , the demand which makes explicit how it is that the working class is divided between the waged and the unwaged .
16 Quartermaine is the oblivious pivot around which the other members of staff at the Cambridge language school circulate and occasionally collide .
17 Vera : ‘ It 's the other way around it should be going on ; that 's what I say ’ .
18 That 's the raised rim around the hatch that keeps the water out , ’ he explained as if talking to a three-year-old .
19 But the problem is , it 's a serious film around that .
20 There 's a great atmosphere around the hotel 's lovely pool , and the large bar/lounge plays a great mixture of music , and shows English videos every day .
21 He 's a popular guy around the complex .
22 Similarly , once state socialism is abandoned , there is no third way around the market that does not lead straight to economic disaster .
23 There is a strong theme around autonomy and identity , the struggle between being a person knowing who one is , and then being put in a dependent role through some process of infirmity .
24 Modern historians are quite uncertain whether an individual of that name existed here and carried out the exploits attributed to him ; or whether he is a representative figure around whom have accreted the age-old memories of a people 's struggles to maintain inherited liberties in the face of alien subjection .
25 The Dragonfly ( Odonata ) with its large paired wings is a familiar sight around the margins of lakes and rivers , in the fens and marshes and even on brackish lagoons .
26 The cheery chappie with a quizzical eye behind the white beard and red cowl is a familiar face around the company .
27 It is a devious route around the coastal fringes , no direct way across the intervening wilderness of mountains being possible except on foot by strong walkers .
28 There 's an optional excursion around this historic town before returning to the boat for overnight berth .
29 As with all aircraft which lack de-icing equipment , even for an instrument rated pilot all weather operations are just not practical throughout the year , although the very comprehensive package offered is an expensive way around this problem .
30 There is an unutterable sadness around Medina del Campo , where I had to change trains for Salamanca .
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