Example sentences of "be [adj] [prep] this context " in BNC.

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1 Some words of Lord Denning M.R. in Thornton v. Shoe Lane Parking ( 1971 C.A. ) are helpful in this context .
2 Trade unionists ' advice and explanations concerning such issues as health and safety are invaluable in this context .
3 Three issues are important in this context : land and planning considerations , financial incentives and zone designations .
4 This explains why the bare infinitive would not be possible in this context .
5 Of course , one has to be careful in this context to recognise that many of the infractions I 'm referring to are not necessarily offences AGAINST others — but represent errors of performance , imperfections which reflect badly on the offender — so that one undertakes remedial work , NOT for the purpose of making amends but to re-draw the picture of oneself so that it corresponds more closely to the one which one would like to project to the world at large .
6 And so the A N C has to make sure that while it works for the aspirations of its people it must also protect the country and I 'm afraid in this context it means it has through negotiations and other means also conceded made concessions in order to save the situation and the only organization that is now working for the national interest even losing its own supporters in the country is basically the A N C and it 's quite a remarkable thing to see that leaders are prepared to l lose political support because they have to make sure that the country does n't .
7 Under the general law of contract ( on which see Chitty on Contracts , Chapter 24 ) repudiation gives the other party the right to treat the contract as being at an end and to claim damages for wrongful termination : the alternative right to insist on performance would be meaningless in this context .
8 However , Article 16 allows ‘ the States Parties ’ ( and the use of the plural is puzzling , as the action contemplated seems to be by individual states , and will be effective in this context only insofar as the declarant state is the state of destination ) to declare that the convention 's provisions cover the execution of letters rogatory in criminal , labour , and ‘ contentious-administrative ’ cases .
9 The term working class literature , defined broadly , would be useful in this context .
10 But D.W. Winnicott may be helpful in this context in suggesting what sort of process might have been taking place .
11 On the contrary , it seems to me to be significant in this context that when , in article 58 , the E.E.C .
12 Capital charges are useless in this context .
13 Hell , even ‘ Stairway To Haven ’ is listenable in this context !
14 Hell , even ‘ Stairway To Haven ’ is listenable in this context !
15 The relative emphasis on neuroses in female GP referrals is interesting in this context .
16 It is interesting in this context to look at the large ( 2 MW ) windmill built largely by students at a college complex in Tvind , Denmark .
17 It is helpful in this context if one 's account of the circumstances can be exaggerated in some way , until it becomes clear that nobody , however marvellous , could have coped any better than you did .
18 The number of methods available for studying complicated species in solution is limited , and electronic spectroscopy is useful in this context .
19 It is fascinating in this context concerning the spiritual warfare in which we are engaged to notice how he ascribes the work of the Spirit to two juxtaposed concepts : prayer , and the Word of God which he calls the sword of the Spirit .
20 A full ‘ test ’ ( assuming that such a notion of ‘ testing ’ is meaningful in this context ) of Freudian theory would have to bring in the hypothesis about the causal links between the nuclear family , the Oedipus complex , the methods of handling infant sexuality in middle-class , Western culture , and the personality types which are needed in advanced industrial society .
21 The notion of " degeneracy " is important in this context .
22 It is important in this context to ensure the creation of a receptive campus environment , as a multimedia highway which stops at an X.25 gateway on the edge of the campus is not desirable .
23 The fact that the work has been referred to and is performed by an overseas associate is irrelevant in this context .
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