Example sentences of "be [prep] [adv] [det] pain " in BNC.

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1 TWO TURKS who sold kidneys for transplants in London were in so much pain when they were discharged that one had to carry the other out of the hospital , the General Medical Council 's disciplinary committee heard yesterday .
2 He says he ca n't even play with his grandchildren because he 's in so much pain .
3 ‘ She could n't walk , or bend , and getting upstairs to her own room was impossible because she was in too much pain , ’ says Janet .
4 It probably was n't , but he was in too much pain to argue , so he nodded , and immediately became Jimbo .
5 I bit the shell of one and gave the kernel to her , and then bit another and pretended it had broken one of my teeth and I was in too much pain . ’
6 Businessman Ravi was in so much pain he cancelled his booking on the doomed airbus — which crashed in the Himalayas killing 113 people .
7 Lorry driver Bill , 51 , of Merthyr Tydfil , South Wales , said yesterday : ‘ I was in so much pain I could n't dress myself after I had been examined and needed a wheelchair . ’
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