Example sentences of "be [not/n't] aware of the " in BNC.

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1 I am not aware of the details but the compulsory incident reporting system was found to be wanting and so was changed to a voluntary one .
2 He will appreciate that I am not aware of the details of the case .
3 I am not aware of the circumstances of the particular case to which the hon. Gentleman refers .
4 I am not aware of the particular cases to which my hon. Friend draws attention .
5 I am not aware of the point that the hon. Gentleman raises but , as he knows , a tremendous amount of support has been made available through the Home Office and other sources to assist members of the ethnic minorities in this country .
6 If you stall accidentally it is almost always because you are not aware of the low speed , etc. and therefore all the training in the world will not prevent you from responding instinctively because you are not at that moment aware that you are stalled .
7 Too often some of our Catholic families are not aware of the existence of our excellent senior schools which provide for a solid Catholic education and a growth in faith for our children .
8 He feels that many people , both inside and outside the health service , are not aware of the sort of research funds that are already present in the NHS , and he would like to see these funds made more explicit .
9 It is also true that exercise classes arranged specifically for hemiplegic patients are sometimes organized by people who are not aware of the nature of spasticity , so the carer and the patient must scrutinize any proposed activities before the patient tries to join in .
10 In the ideal situation he is hidden completely from the observed , who are not aware of the researcher 's presence at all .
11 It is greatly to the credit of the profession that , as viewers , we are not aware of the many techniques which have been used to produce a ‘ natural ’ effect .
12 Every Scot knows at least part of the story of the massacre , but many are not aware of the background that led up to the atrocity and too little is known about the heinous wickedness of some of the characters involved .
13 Often the unemployed are not aware of the opportunities available in other parts of the country or in other occupations .
14 Many people are not aware of the existence of some of them or of their own eligibility to make a claim , so are not taking them up ; and you may find that you are one of them .
15 Surely , as we move towards the end of 1992 , there are few if any businesses involved in trading with other European Community countries that are not aware of the fundamental changes that will take place from 1 January 1993 after internal frontiers are removed ?
16 are not aware of the unreality of their original pictures which is why , often in the same sentence , they produce these contradictions .
17 They are not aware of the air , or the depths .
18 Shortly before its abolition in 1986 , the Greater London Council produced a report which warned that " many boroughs are not aware of the seriousness or extent of contamination " .
19 You 're not aware of the fact that you 're repressing things .
20 But Health and Safety officials say they could still be many homes where staff are n't aware of the rules .
21 Certainly EMI were not aware of the situation when , in every wine bar in every trendy quarter in every trendy town , Smiths fans knew , with confident certainty , the truth .
22 Unfortunately , the SCO were not aware of the sin of incarnating the Devil and inviting everyone to a knees-up to ‘ shame the devil ’ after a ‘ devilish ’ evening 's entertainment …
23 They were not aware of the lack of solid strata above them .
24 He added : ‘ We were not aware of the reported remarks and Tom is a really lovely guy .
25 It seems impossible that Matthew and his readers were not aware of the original meaning of these words .
26 At this stage we were not aware of the full significance of the movement of the spoil to form the rampart .
27 Meanwhile , in spite of increasing requests in Parliament for at least an inquiry into family allowances schemes , the government did nothing , on the grounds that they ‘ were not aware of the widespread desire among [ employers and workers ] for a system of this kind ’ ( House of Commons Debates , Vol. 345 , col. 40 ) .
28 Most staff were not aware of the variety of facilities available on AEA 's network or even on their own telephones .
29 Use made of these facilities has been minimal up to now , largely because the technology had not been made available to RBGE staff before 1990 , and scientific staff were not aware of the possibilities .
30 Whilst we did consider that this site could be developed with a single storey dwelling without seriously affecting the amenities of the village , we were not aware of the strength of local feeling against any development on this site .
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