Example sentences of "be [adv] easily [verb] by " in BNC.

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1 These hierarchies are most easily demonstrated by concrete nouns ( e.g. collie ISA dog ISA animal , etc . )
2 Experimental results are most easily explained by ‘ interference ’ theories , in which the memory of one task is most efficient when no other task is being memorized .
3 First , that wise choices about health are most easily made by people who feel good about themselves and are able to talk to their partners .
4 Perhaps with their greater freedom they are most easily blinded by the options and may forget to take account of the special needs of those who live alone .
5 As with any legal document , a record contract contains clauses and phrases which are not easily understood by the layman .
6 In making the choice , the selection conference in the case of the Labour Party , and the constituency executive in the case of the Conservative Party , are not easily moved by pressure from outside and even the leaders of the parties have found it hard to get close friends and political associates nominated .
7 It is important to note that , in any given society , mating patterns are not easily manipulated by policy and edicts , but change in response to education , socio-cultural processes and aspects of development .
8 But unfortunately there are few descriptive accounts of people 's efforts to reduce the likelihood that an event will occur , perhaps because effective responses are self-evident , or because they are not easily assessed by investigators in that successful action will have removed the difficulty .
9 They can have maturity dates of anything up to 189 days , and of course by their nature are not easily controlled by suppliers .
10 In fact , where the ratio of public expenditure to National Income has continued to rise in the 1970s and 1980s , it has been more easily explained by downward deviations of trend National Income in recession , with consequent increases in spending on unemployment benefits and social services , rather than through any upward revision of government expenditure plans .
11 Generally gram positive types are more easily affected by disinfectants than gram negative types .
12 difficulties with after-sales service and other technical problems are more easily handled by a subsidiary than by an overseas head office and national agent ;
13 Setting the scene and capturing attention are more easily assisted by a computer program than the other aims .
14 If , for instance , tax allowances and exemptions are more easily acquired by higher-income groups ( as with mortgage repayments , etc. ) then , despite a rising marginal rate , the individual may pay a smaller proportion of a higher total income in tax .
15 Divers in a bell are more easily controlled by the supervisor .
16 In the workshop , theory and practice are more easily linked by displaying and making available material and practical work , side by side , each depending upon the other for full understanding .
17 This can be most easily achieved by an observer who is present while the recording is being made and who can make a full transcription within a few hours .
18 This divergence would be most easily explained by a rising population and a consequent labour shortage .
19 Simon Werman 's work , at Broomfield , can be most easily identified by his edge mouldings , where they all carry a uniform design of a continuous running stem pattern that has a leaf crossing it at regular intervals .
20 I feel sure many of your readers will have been annoyed by the way your reporter allowed our accurate and detailed evidence to the Welsh Affairs Committee on the way some planning committees have violated planning policies over recent years , to be so easily dismissed by the chairman of one of the guilty district councils .
21 ‘ No other part of the body can be so easily damaged by ill-fitting clothing as young feet .
22 In our cynical era , we might not be so easily bamboozled by ‘ the prophet 's ’ assertion that God , who is presumably on permanent nightshift , speaks to him in his sleep and has commanded the supply of seven frails .
23 Sometimes , however , the media can not be so easily deployed by political actors and the media may , in consequence , exert an indeterminate and sometimes capricious effect on the doings of political institutions and actors .
24 ‘ It is a very serious matter that the packaging of a reputable product can be so easily acquired by unscrupulous and criminally insane cheats , ’ he said .
25 As for me , I 'm not easily fooled by anyone , least of all by Robert Sheldrake .
26 At first sight , the location of protest sub stantially among Romania 's alien ated Hungarian minority suggests that it may be more easily confined by the leadership in Bucharest .
27 Big coins would be more easily recovered by those who lost them than smaller ones .
28 You can be more easily found by your friends if you have a settled place of work .
29 The monist can be as easily floored by awkward questions as the dualist .
30 However , in order that the scheme could , if successful , be relatively easily incorporated by local authorities into existing patterns of service provision it was decided not to substitute but to see whether it was possible to work alongside other services .
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