Example sentences of "be [adv] evidence that the " in BNC.

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1 There is still evidence that the young and newly diagnosed patients remain at increased risk of death and it is among these that we must concentrate our efforts .
2 If for all this , the General Staff still performs the lion 's share of staff work , this is hardly evidence that the military lead the Party by the nose in defence matters , either over details or essentials .
3 There is also evidence that the economic effects of age discrimination are harsher in Britain than other comparable countries .
4 There is also evidence that the suicide rates found in different States are associated with the strictness of the gun control laws ( Lester and Murrell 1980 ) .
5 But there is also evidence that the level of nuclear calcium increases dramatically following mitogenic stimulation , suggesting that calcium may also act within the nucleus .
6 Although a surge in the birth rate until the 1960s contributed to this , there is also evidence that the balance of net migration has turned in favour of rural areas .
7 Overall , whilst this variation undoubtedly includes examples of good assessment practice , there is also evidence that the general level of social services assessment of older people is restricted to the assessment of need for specific services , often requested by a carer , a general practitioner , or other third party , frequently undertaken by untrained ancillary staff ( Means , 1981 ; Black et al. , 1983 ; Bowl , 1986 ) .
8 In the service sector there is also evidence that the removal of NTBs will not , at least in the near future , have significant effects upon the bulk of retail financial services ( Bank of England 1989 ) .
9 However , there is now evidence that the mechanism responsible for this can act in a similar fashion in some normal individuals ; as one would expect these are people high in schizotypal traits .
10 There is now evidence that the bulge is elongated in a direction that lies in the plane ; the Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy .
11 There is now evidence that the basement membrane-like matrix of the liver can change the phenotypic characteristics and growth of lipocytes , endothelial cells , and hepatocytes .
12 The normality of the following sentences is therefore evidence that the collocationally unique elements gnash and purse are semantic constituents of the expressions gnash the teeth and purse the lips , respectively :
13 By the time that the troops began patrolling the streets there was already evidence that the riots were losing their momentum , and in the face of such overwhelming military force remaining disturbances were quickly quelled .
14 And Mr Griffiths said there was now evidence that the banks DID secretly work together .
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