Example sentences of "be [adv] claim that the " in BNC.

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1 I am not claiming that the belief is wrong , but simply that we have no facts on which to judge the issue .
2 Some commentators are now claiming that the whole Green consumer wave was just a fashionable spasm , and that the vast majority of people have now reverted to their usual habits , regardless of their environmental impact .
3 This is not to claim that the war was totally unintended , but that national leaders had become caught in an irrational process which led inevitably to war .
4 The newspaper 's further claim that the police funded an Inkatha rally in January 1991 was later confirmed officially .
5 The SD at Stuttgart recorded a comment , said to be frequently encountered in differing variants : ‘ It 's always claimed that the Führer has been sent to us from God .
6 It is also claimed that the molar cusp arrangement is related to cranial flexion , with the protocone being posteriorly placed relative to paracone in klinorhynchous skulls and transversely placed in airorhynchous forms , but this is the reverse of the usually accepted polarity for cusp orientation , with the primitive trigon having the protocone posteriorly placed .
7 It is also claimed that the irrational and inefficient procedures of pluralistic decision making are inappropriate in foreign and defence policy , where considered rational responses in the national interest are required .
8 It is often claimed that the government of many European States in the generation or more before the French Revolution is distinguished from earlier practice by the existence of something called ‘ Enlightened Despotism ’ .
9 Although it is often claimed that the camera does not lie , when using old photographs for historical purposes pupils need to give attention to the processes involved in choosing a subject and taking a photograph .
10 It is even claimed that the Catholic Church has always supported women 's civil equality ( a patent untruth ) .
11 It is sometimes claimed that the Candida derives nourishment from yeasts in food , but this is not the case .
12 It was further claimed that the wage determination mechanism conducted on this basis gave a strong impetus to inflation .
13 It was also claimed that the Owens should have known about the bypass before they bought the house .
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