Example sentences of "be [adv] [verb] na be " in BNC.

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1 But it , it did n't worry me and I liked to think I can go about my daily life and not be frightened , and I am not gon na be frightened to go out at night .
2 You 've got the landlords who are the en the enemies , you , you 've got rich peasants who are broadly gon na be opposed to you and , and will only come in on your side at the very latest stage when they 've realized that and then you 've got the middle peasants who are wavering in the middle but will probably support you mu certainly much more easily .
3 It 's hard to see er er a situation in which the kind of young men that we routinely produce in this country er are not gon na be interested in some kind of group aggressive violent activities .
4 Well presumably the reason why the men do the hunting is that they 're they figure they 're more aggressive and are not gon na be pregnant or incumbent to children .
5 They said look , if males can have greater reproductive success than females can , then parents who have some way of knowing that their offspring are gon na be particularly reproductively successful should invest in males , whereas if they have some way of knowing that their offspring are not gon na be particularly reproductively successful , they should invest in females .
6 Whereas if you think your offspring are not gon na be particularly successful , you should have female offspring because they always get , get mated in this kind of , in this kind of set up .
7 So it is I I I wo n't predict you know how it 's gon na be too much you know because obviously er it 's just the day to day living is quite difficult for most people have to work and cope with their families and you know so there 's not going to be er that the fundamentals are are not gon na be changed and obviously people are gon na be very broke for a long time because in a strike situation you probably do n't ever really quite recover .
8 And meanwhile we 'll keep going you know and er and do what we have to do which is to make sure that when they get dow when they get round to that table sitting down that well certainly the the quarry men are not gon na be hungry if if you know what I mean I mean they they gon na sit there with full bellies in a sense that they 're not gon na be starved back and I mean th that sounds rather dramatic and a cliched but I mean when you 're living on the bread line and expecting money from week to week I mean that 's what it 's all about is n't it you know and and the food parcel .
9 I mean this scheme does n't look to me like available but I 'd just like to say reading the objections I am amazed by the large number of and er to stop the running , the rat running , you 've anyway erm speed cameras are not gon na be much help .
10 Now if I could just remind you of what 's happened at the Lyndford Haven er er , Synod , last March erm , the Financial Committee have suggested that we should go for a target of five hundred and ten thousand but er , this is we are not gon na be able to even start looking at the eleven and a half thousand if if er all the provinces do it for months and more and we , I think very bravely or foolishly whatever way you li , look at it , proposed that we should got to five hundred and forty thousand and it looks as thought we 're gon na end up certainly nearer to five ten than five forty .
11 Not really , I mean well I know , German I mean I 'm gon na be worried about it when I get there but at the moment German and French are just gon na be translating something , there 'll be , give me an extract and a translation and I 'll have to do them , you know
12 But where you sees two for the price of one , you 're effectively gon na be getting a fifty percent
13 Well piece of 'em but if you 're only gon na be eating a piece it 's not gon na be big .
14 if we 're just gon na be talking about
15 Yeah but the thing is , it 's something that we 've got to think for life really , or we 're just gon na be in the same situation in a couple of years that we wan na something a bit bigger .
16 So we realize we 're not gon na be here to change the habits that have built up over a lifetime .
17 I find it , find it hard to believe that you 're not gon na be told th the valuation of your house , in as
18 And meanwhile we 'll keep going you know and er and do what we have to do which is to make sure that when they get dow when they get round to that table sitting down that well certainly the the quarry men are not gon na be hungry if if you know what I mean I mean they they gon na sit there with full bellies in a sense that they 're not gon na be starved back and I mean th that sounds rather dramatic and a cliched but I mean when you 're living on the bread line and expecting money from week to week I mean that 's what it 's all about is n't it you know and and the food parcel .
19 They 're not gon na be saying anything about the dangers of bullying in the recruiting office .
20 Now , what I was gon na do now was go through this quoick transformation right , you 're not gon na be asked t to produce it in an exam or anything like that , but the reason why I 'm doing it now is that you will need it for your er , your Q M exam not er your exam , your project right , cos there is a similar applicat , it 's quite a commonly used tool you 'll find er , where wherever we have a , erm , an expression with an infinite number of erm possibilities or an in infinite number of arguments .
21 I ca n't see how we 've had a revue in nineteen eighty-eight which has recommended a very specific course of action , none of which appears to have been implemented , I do n't see how we get a report which describes er , the intention of the county council as maintaining the ethos of the County Farms , whatever that is , as I , I do n't recall any decisions like that , and certainly if we 've made one , I 'd be interested in being party to changing it , I think wha what we have to say is we 've got a lot of land , are we using it to the best interest of the people of Wiltshire , and that is one thing it 's addressing , not a , a way of preserving the County Estates as they are , not a way of keeping a hundred and twenty farmers and their families erm , as tenants of Wiltshire , I mean they 're not gon na be out of jobs are they ?
22 If they 're gon na be that type of band , they 're not gon na be , thinking as how they pronounce a sentence .
23 Well they 're not gon na be using it tomorrow when it gets there .
24 You 're not , and you 're not gon na be blinded by all these like he was , what was he saying about all endowments are are not unit then you were saying yes they are and
25 Mm , we 've not got any option , we 're moving anyway apart from that there 's erm , we 're not gon na be there so it does n't seem much point really does it ?
26 Oh you 're not gon na be laid off are you ?
27 You 're not gon na be going before tea are you Bryony ?
28 You mean , it 's a fire exit so that 's the problem so you 're not gon na be able to leave anything in it that would obstruct .
29 Oh yeah , I mean , they 're gon na have to be from now on cos we 're not gon na be , you know , we 're gon na be responsible
30 we know they 're gon na be around we 'll just say you know we 're not gon na be around .
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