Example sentences of "be [verb] to be due " in BNC.

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1 The analysis has indicated that the sands are variably shaly and some anomalous log responses are considered to be due to the presence of secondary minerals , either as cement or detrital elements .
2 The differences in organisation are said to be due to innate ability , and the kind of experience received .
3 The creatine kinase increase in all nine infants has been shown to be due to the muscle isoenzyme .
4 At least 80% of heart attacks in men under 45 are thought to be due to cigarette smoking [ 5 ] .
5 Nevertheless it was held that any false indication given by the retailer could not be said to be due to the act or default of Cadbury since the retailer could quite easily have compared the weights and prices of his existing stock and the new bars to see if the label ‘ Extra value ’ was justified .
6 It seems that public concern is mostly raised when the pollutant is easily observed and can be shown to be due to some organisation flouting the law .
7 In contrast , if the supplier undertakes to use reasonable care to manufacture the machine in accordance with the agreed specification , it could be argued that the supplier is only liable for any departure from the specification if it can be shown to be due to negligence .
8 The hope is that addictive disease of all kinds may be found to be due to a common biochemical dysfunction and that it can therefore be corrected .
9 This type of deformation causes no dilatation and so the observed effects may be assumed to be due to one causes only — structural rearrangements which do not cause a change of volume .
10 These strains are prone to wasting away , which has been assumed to be due to constitutional weakness .
11 This layer of attenuated velocity is known as the low velocity zone and the reduction in seismic wave velocities is considered to be due to partial melting in this region of the mantle .
12 The reason for space is available at a traditionally busy time is said to be due to school holiday dates now being more staggered .
13 The reason for this is not known but is thought to be due to infection by the virus itself .
14 The anomalous heat is thought to be due to solar energy , which penetrates the surface ice in spring and warms the depths .
15 The etiology is unknown , but is thought to be due to the dissolution and aspiration of dead or dying worm material into the alveoli .
16 People in northern climes , on the other hand , are unlikely to have been exposed to leprosy in every-day life and a positive result in the test is bound to be due to vaccination .
17 Movement in such species is known to be due to turgor changes in the specialised hinge-like regions of the leaf , known as pulvini .
18 THE DECISION of Eamonn Barnes , the Irish Republic 's Director of Public Prosecutions , not to bring explosives charges against Patrick Ryan is believed to be due to the refusal of key witnesses to testify against him .
19 The protective effect of HDL against atheroma formation is believed to be due to the HDL 2 subfraction ( Miller et al , 1981 ) .
20 This is believed to be due to the complex organization of their centre-surround mechanisms .
21 The considerably higher relative biological effectiveness or quality factor Q of alpha-particles is believed to be due to the fact that the dose is delivered over short tracks in tissue along which ionization is dense .
22 Pregnancy is often associated with two definite gall bladder abnormalities — namely , reduced gallbadder contractility which is believed to be due to raised progesterone concentrations , and the development of biliary sludge .
23 The decline is believed to be due to a combination of excessively dry summers in 1989 and 1990 , strong winds in late 1990 and a late frost in spring 1991 .
24 As Eyre ( 1987 ) reports , there is considerable variation of opinion relating to rates of deforestation ; FAO ( 1985 ) , for example , quote a figure of 3.0 per cent per year which is assumed to be due to commercial logging .
25 The youngest and most significant heating event is taken to be due to the crustal stretching in the mid Jurassic .
26 Where there was success it was claimed to be due to local outlets and relevant local knowledge .
27 This was considered to be due to the limited involvement of the officers and the clerical assistant in certain parts of the analysis .
28 This was considered to be due to recognition of semantically similar words to those seen in the course of the experiment .
29 The move was seen to be due to the normalization of church-state relations following the establishment of the Solidarity-led government .
30 This was thought to be due to the fact that the smaller wheels were leading , but the Metropolitan Electric tramways which had some similar cars on almost identical bogies , turned the bogies round on one of their cars ( No. 25 ) and it made no appreciable difference .
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