Example sentences of "be [prep] this reason [that] " in BNC.

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1 A predisposition to stress such as that apparently suffered by the accused in the present case might fall foul of this restriction and it may have been for this reason that the Court of Appeal preferred to regard the case as one which might have been disposed of under section 78 had not the trial judge wrongly taken the view that that section also requires some misconduct on the part of the police .
2 It may be for this reason that Yugoslav official statistics of trade are frequently expressed in terms of dollars or , strictly speaking , in ‘ statistical ’ dollars .
3 It may be for this reason that governments committed to full employment are likely to allow the money supply to rise when faced with excessive wage claims or with rising import prices in the economy .
4 ( It may be for this reason that all South Met.
5 It 's for this reason that shareware has n't to be confused with public domain ( PD ) software .
6 It 's for this reason that the setting up of a risk management group is considered the essential feature in the first step to control : identifying the risks relevant to a specific organisation .
7 It 's for this reason that many of the shop stewards ' conferences that we 've convened in the last year have been pressing a policy of consolidating bonus pay into the basic rates and we 've achieved some small success in this in building brick and in one or two other industries .
8 JE : Presumably it 's for this reason that he asked Plomer to collaborate on Gloriana instead .
9 Shakespeare is the most widely known and read of the classical playwrights and it is for this reason that a piece from one of his plays is nearly always obligatory at a drama school audition .
10 It is for this reason that Professor Desmond Pacey correctly posits Leonard in his second category of Canadian poets , the socialist-realist group , of which Layton is ‘ the chief prophet ’ ; not the first , the mythopoetic group of Frye , Reaney and Macpherson .
11 It is for this reason that any unused ‘ B ’ solution must never be returned to the original container , as it would then destabilise the contents which , in a sealed container without a vented cap , could cause the container to burst , and with a vented cap the solution would eventually become ineffective .
12 It is for this reason that deconstruction remains a fundamental threat to Marxism , and by implication to other culturalist and contextualizing approaches .
13 It is for this reason that many of the extracts from the data which we use in the volume are accounts and nearverbatim records of spontaneous conversations in natural situations , for we thought it unreliable to ‘ interview ’ respondents formally ( van Maanen 1982 : 140 argues that most ethnographic data are conversation-based ) .
14 It is for this reason that these sorts of incident are particularly disliked by policemen and are marginalized to policewomen , wherever staffing levels allow .
15 It is for this reason that ordinary policemen and women dislike it when the typifications become confused , when decent and honest ‘ victims ’ of crime , for example , become ‘ trouble-makers ’ by taking the law into their own hands .
16 It is for this reason that the amount of REM activity increases during the course of a normal night 's sleep ( fig. 3.3 ) .
17 ( It is for this reason that lying down when you feel faint is a good idea ) .
18 It is for this reason that the horse reared for the market-place seldom has the charm , intelligence , and friendliness of the horses bred for personal pleasure .
19 In ‘ The Visit ’ , Leapor 's upset is caused by comments on her appearance , and it is for this reason that she needs shelter :
20 We English have an important advantage over foreigners in this respect and it is for this reason that when you think of a great butler , he is bound , almost by definition , to be an Englishman .
21 It is for this reason that man does not have as much control over erection or ejaculation as he might like .
22 It is for this reason that patients are followed up for two years after treatment .
23 It is for this reason that totalitarian governments , and even quasi-totalitarian governments , employ censorship .
24 It is for this reason that the use of control products is such an important aid to the evaluation of the results of product stability and product-container compatibility tests .
25 It is for this reason that we often feel isolated in our quest ; after all , if no two people share the same experiences , no one can tell you the best way to deal with a particular situation .
26 It is for this reason that Interactionists stress that labelling is crucial to understanding criminal behaviour , as the labelling process publicly identifies individuals as guilty of criminal acts .
27 It is as if riches are an intolerable burden to the truly free spirit , and it is for this reason that many men have voluntarily thrown away then money .
28 All told , the ambitious predictions made for the Orbital have been substantially realised , and it is for this reason that the two-stroke Fiesta prototype won the approbation of our judges .
29 It is for this reason that we sometimes ‘ know ’ details about a character that the author , we are surprised to find , has not given us .
30 It is for this reason that those concerned with young people — parents , teachers , librarians , and others — feel the need to provide a wide range of such materials as books , films , videos , and pictures , and to provide opportunities for acquiring the skills to obtain meaning from print and pictures .
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