Example sentences of "the rest [prep] we [adv] " in BNC.

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1 And if my theory about the power of celluloid is true , it follows that what 's real in the movies today will be real for the rest of us tomorrow .
2 It seems his effort , which is what has taken two weeks ’ — he glanced at Jim Donaldson as he spoke — ‘ to portray himself as the guy trying to help Zack , and all the rest of us here and there as the bad guys making problems , has worked .
3 Two-thirds of my male friends have got married , and the rest of us just sit around in the pub all weekend .
4 Jason says : ‘ Gary 's got more money than the rest of us because he gets publishing royalties for the songs he 's written , but the rest of us just get a modest wage . ’
5 The rest of us just dabble in it .
6 The rest of us just had knowledge .
7 and those in advantageous positions , the rest of us just do n't count .
8 ‘ She invited my friend ; we … the rest of us just tagged along . ’
9 Only the truly virtuous strip their tack and clean it every time it 's used — the rest of us simply do n't have time .
10 You 're trying to shut your eyes to 1993 , that 's what you 're trying to do , and you 're trying to pull the rest of us down with it , well it ai n't gon na happen .
11 The best thing for VR is to provide a place where homicidal maniacs can kill as many virtual victims as they want and leave the rest of us alone , ’ says Rundgren .
12 We are none of us too grand or too sophisticated to benefit from the lessons of the cottage garden and we are fortunate that there are still some skilled practitioners such as Connie Franks to show the rest of us how it should be done .
13 They do n't know anything about life , so they come and tell the rest of us how to live it . ’
14 Accountants would always be kept busy showing the rest of us how to work the system .
15 Enough has been revealed about the antics of the Monarchy in the past few weeks to suggest that people in palaces should not be trying to tell the rest of us how to behave .
16 They were evidently hearing something different from the rest of us now , for we would watch them slow-dance to the fastest beat , and then , on the next record , see them execute perfect and elaborate improvised arabesques , all fast footwork and impassioned arms , in the gaps of a slow blues .
17 But it was its political and artistic daring , enhanced by the most attractively human of values , that the rest of us so admired — ‘ those little films ’ , someone very accurately said , ‘ which are , as if by accident , important . ’
18 I went along to Brigade H.Q The Officers and other ranks were looking just as knackered as the rest of us out in the orchard .
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